Further access options are discussed below
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'Sasmirala: Subarcsecond mid-infrared atlas of local AGN'
You can access this service using:
Intervals of messenger energies reflected in this resource: 0.0953703 0.177134 eV
Time covered by this resource's data: 2003.92 2011.45
This resource is not (directly) published. This can mean that it was deemed too unimportant, for internal use only, or is just a helper for a published service. Equally likely, however, it is under development, abandoned in development or otherwise unfinished. Exercise some caution.
Other services provided on the underlying data include:
The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
hscs_pos | Position/Name | Coordinates (as h m s, d m s or decimal degrees), or SIMBAD-resolvable object | N/A | N/A |
hscs_sr | Search radius | Search radius in arcminutes | N/A | N/A |
name | Object | Common object name | N/A | meta.id;meta.main |
wl | Wavelength covered | Central wavelength +/- FWHM of the observation covers this wavelength. | um | N/A |
The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
accref | Image | Access key for the data | N/A | meta.ref.url |
calmjd | Cal. Date | MJD of observation of calibrator star | d | time.epoch;obs.calib |
calname | Cal. Star | Calibrator star name | N/A | meta.id;obs.calib |
calpa | Cal. PA. | Calibrator Star position angle, north over east | deg | pos.posAng;obs.calib |
convf | Factor | Conversion factor measured from the Calibration | mJy/ct | phot.calib |
dateobs | Date Obs. | MJD of observation | d | time.epoch;obs |
dej2000 | Dec | Declination J2000.0 | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
efGauss | E(F_Gauss) | 1-sigma uncertainty in nuclear flux measured through Gauss fitting | mJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR |
efPSF | E(F_PSF) | 1-sigma uncertainty in nuclear flux measured through PSF fitting | mJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR |
exptime | T_exp | Total exposure time on-source | s | time.duration;obs.exposure |
fGauss | F_Gauss | Nuclear flux measured through Gauss fitting | mJy | phot.flux;em.IR |
filter | Filter | Filter name | N/A | meta.id;instr.filter |
fPSF | F_PSF | Nuclear flux measured through PSF fitting | mJy | phot.flux;em.IR |
fwhmma | Maj. Ax | Major axis FWHM (constrained to <=1arcsec) of the Gaussian fit of the target object | arcsec | phys.angSize;src |
fwhmmi | Min. Ax | Minor axis FWHM (constrained to <=1arcsec) of the Gaussian fit of the target object | arcsec | phys.angSize;src |
hwidth | HWHM | Filter half-width-half-maximum | um | instr.bandwidth |
limGauss | Upper Lim. Gauss? | If True, the object was not detected using Gauss fitting or no matching calibrator star was available. In that case, F_Gauss represents a 3-sigma upper limit. | N/A | meta.code |
limPSF | Upper Lim. PSF? | If True, the object was not detected using PSF fitting or no matching calibrator star was available. In that case, F_PSF represents a 3-sigma upper limit. | N/A | meta.code |
name | Object | Common object name | N/A | meta.id;meta.main |
pa | Pos. Ang. | Position Angle, north over east, of the Gaussian fit of the target object | deg | pos.posAng;src |
prodlink | Info | Link to a web page with images, bibliography, and other details on the source. | N/A | N/A |
raj2000 | RA | Right Ascension J2000.0 | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
w_obs | λ_c | Filter central wavelength (observing frame) | um | em.wl.central;instr.filter |
The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD | Verb. Level |
name | Object | Common object name | N/A | meta.id;meta.main | 1 |
raj2000 | RA | Right Ascension J2000.0 | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main | 1 |
dej2000 | Dec | Declination J2000.0 | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main | 1 |
accref | Image | Access key for the data | N/A | meta.ref.url | 1 |
w_obs | λ_c | Filter central wavelength (observing frame) | um | em.wl.central;instr.filter | 1 |
dateobs | Date Obs. | MJD of observation | d | time.epoch;obs | 1 |
limGauss | Upper Lim. Gauss? | If True, the object was not detected using Gauss fitting or no matching calibrator star was available. In that case, F_Gauss represents a 3-sigma upper limit. | N/A | meta.code | 1 |
fGauss | F_Gauss | Nuclear flux measured through Gauss fitting | mJy | phot.flux;em.IR | 1 |
efGauss | E(F_Gauss) | 1-sigma uncertainty in nuclear flux measured through Gauss fitting | mJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR | 1 |
limPSF | Upper Lim. PSF? | If True, the object was not detected using PSF fitting or no matching calibrator star was available. In that case, F_PSF represents a 3-sigma upper limit. | N/A | meta.code | 1 |
fPSF | F_PSF | Nuclear flux measured through PSF fitting | mJy | phot.flux;em.IR | 1 |
efPSF | E(F_PSF) | 1-sigma uncertainty in nuclear flux measured through PSF fitting | mJy | stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR | 1 |
filter | Filter | Filter name | N/A | meta.id;instr.filter | 5 |
exptime | T_exp | Total exposure time on-source | s | time.duration;obs.exposure | 5 |
fwhmma | Maj. Ax | Major axis FWHM (constrained to <=1arcsec) of the Gaussian fit of the target object | arcsec | phys.angSize;src | 5 |
fwhmmi | Min. Ax | Minor axis FWHM (constrained to <=1arcsec) of the Gaussian fit of the target object | arcsec | phys.angSize;src | 5 |
prodlink | Info | Link to a web page with images, bibliography, and other details on the source. | N/A | N/A | 10 |
hwidth | HWHM | Filter half-width-half-maximum | um | instr.bandwidth | 15 |
calname | Cal. Star | Calibrator star name | N/A | meta.id;obs.calib | 15 |
calmjd | Cal. Date | MJD of observation of calibrator star | d | time.epoch;obs.calib | 15 |
convf | Factor | Conversion factor measured from the Calibration | mJy/ct | phot.calib | 15 |
calpa | Cal. PA. | Calibrator Star position angle, north over east | deg | pos.posAng;obs.calib | 15 |
pa | Pos. Ang. | Position Angle, north over east, of the Gaussian fit of the target object | deg | pos.posAng;src | 15 |
instr | Instr | Instrument used to obtain the data | N/A | meta.id;instr | 25 |
pfov | Pix. size | Pixel size of field of view | arcsec/pix | phys.angSize;instr.pixel | 25 |
mode | Mode | Chop and nod mode | N/A | instr.setup | 25 |
cthrow | Chop Throw | Chop throw | arcsec | instr.param | 25 |
cangle | Chop Angle | Chop angle | deg | instr.param | 25 |
rota | Rot | Instrument rotation angle, west of north. | deg | instr.param;pos.posAng | 25 |
proid | Prog Id | Observation program ID | N/A | meta.id;obs | 25 |
econvf | Err. Factor | 1-sigma uncertainty of the Conversion factor | mJy/ct | stat.error;phot.calib | 25 |
calflu | Cal. Flux | Calibrator star flux | mJy | phot.flux;obs.calib | 25 |
calfma | Cal. Maj. | Calibrator Star major axis FWHM | arcsec | phys.angSize;obs.calib | 25 |
calfmi | Cal. Min. | Calibrator Star minor axis FWHM | arcsec | phys.angSize;obs.calib | 25 |
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