Further access options are discussed below
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'The Fifth Catalogue of Nearby Stars: Continuously Updated Version (CNS5-updated)'
You can access this service using:
Time covered by this resource's data: 1991.25 2017.97
This service is published as follows:
local means it is listed on our front page, ivo_managed means it has a record in the VO registry.
Other services provided on the underlying data include:
The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
cns5_id | Id | CNS5 designation | N/A | meta.id;meta.main |
DEC | Delta (ICRS) | Declination (ICRS decimal) | deg | pos.eq.dec |
g_mag_resulting | G_r | Resulting (e.g., deblended) G band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt |
gj_id | GJ | Gliese-Jahreiss number | N/A | meta.id.cross |
hscs_pos | Position/Name | Coordinates (as h m s, d m s or decimal degrees), or SIMBAD-resolvable object | N/A | N/A |
hscs_sr | Search radius | Search radius in arcminutes | N/A | N/A |
maxrec | Match limit | Maximum number of records returned. Pass 0 to retrieve service parameters. | N/A | N/A |
parallax | ϖ | Absolute trigonometric parallax | mas | pos.parallax.trig |
RA | Alpha (ICRS) | Right Ascension (ICRS decimal) | deg | pos.eq.ra |
responseformat | Output Format | File format requested for output. | N/A | meta.code.mime |
SR | Search Radius | Search radius | deg | N/A |
verb | Verbosity | Exhaustiveness of column selection. VERB=1 only returns the most important columns, VERB=2 selects the columns deemed useful to the average user, VERB=3 returns a table with all available columns. | N/A | N/A |
The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
_r | Dist. | Distance to cone center | deg | pos.distance |
bp_mag | BP | Gaia DR3 integrated BP mean magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.b |
bp_mag_error | Err. BP | Error in bp_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.b |
cns5_id | Id | CNS5 designation | N/A | meta.id;meta.main |
cns6_system_id | System id | CNS6 unique identifier of the stellar system this object belongs to. | N/A | meta.id.parent |
component_id | Comp | Designation of component(s) in binaries or multiple systems. This may consist of several letters if a catalogue entry corresponds to more than one component that is not split into individual entries. | N/A | meta.code.multip |
dec | Dec | Declination | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
epoch | Epoch | Reference epoch for coordinates | yr | time.epoch |
g_mag | G | G band mean magnitude (corrected) | mag | phot.mag;em.opt |
g_mag_error | Err. G | Error in g_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt |
g_mag_from_hip | G HIP | Hipparcos Hp magnitude converted to the G band | mag | phot.mag;em.opt |
g_mag_resulting | G_r | Resulting (e.g., deblended) G band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt |
g_mag_resulting_error | Err. G_r | Error in g_mag_resulting | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt |
g_rp_from_hip | G-RP HIP | G - RP colour computed from Hipparcos V and I | mag | phot.color;em.opt.r;em.opt |
g_rp_resulting | (G-RP)_r | Resulting (e.g., deblended) G - RP colour | mag | phot.color;em.opt.r;em.opt |
gaia_dr3_id | DR3 id | Source identifier in Gaia DR3 | N/A | meta.id.cross |
gj_id | GJ | Gliese-Jahreiss number | N/A | meta.id.cross |
gj_system_primary | GJ_p | Gliese-Jahriess number of the primary component of the system | N/A | meta.id.cross |
h_mag | H | 2MASS H band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.h |
j_mag | J | 2MASS J band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.j |
k_mag | Ks | 2MASS Ks band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.k |
n_planets | #Planets | Number of confirmed planets associated with the stellar system | N/A | meta.number |
nexa_id | NExA | Identifier of the object in the NExA (NASA Exoplanet Archive) | N/A | meta.id.cross |
p_rot | T_rot | Rotational period taken from p_rot_bibcode. | d | time.period |
parallax | ϖ | Absolute trigonometric parallax | mas | pos.parallax.trig |
parallax_error | Err. ϖ | Error in parallax | mas | stat.error;pos.parallax.trig |
pmdec | PM Dec | Proper motion in declination | mas/yr | pos.pm;pos.eq.dec |
pmdec_error | Err. PM Dec | Error of pmdec | mas/yr | stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.dec |
pmra | PM RA | Proper motion in right ascension | mas/yr | pos.pm;pos.eq.ra |
pmra_error | Err. PM RA | Error in pmra | mas/yr | stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.ra |
primary_flag | P? | True for the primary of a multiple system | N/A | meta.code |
ra | RA | Right ascension | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
reference_object_cns5_id | Parent | CNS5_id of the reference object for the object in this entry | N/A | meta.id.parent |
remarks | Remarks | Additional free-text information about the object, in particular warnings about possible mis-identifications or results that have been disputed in the literature. | N/A | meta.note |
rp_mag | RP | Gaia DR3 integrated RP mean magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.r |
rp_mag_error | Err. RP | Error in rp_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.r |
rv | RV | Spectroscopic radial velocity | km/s | phys.veloc;pos.barycenter |
rv_error | Err. RV | Error in rv | km/s | stat.error;phys.veloc;pos.barycenter |
w1_mag | W1 | WISE W1 band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.3-4um |
w2_mag | W2 | WISE W2 band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.4-8um |
w3_mag | W3 | WISE W3 band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.8-15um |
w4_mag | W4 | WISE W4 band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.15-30um |
The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD | Verb. Level |
cns5_id | Id | CNS5 designation | N/A | meta.id;meta.main | 1 |
component_id | Comp | Designation of component(s) in binaries or multiple systems. This may consist of several letters if a catalogue entry corresponds to more than one component that is not split into individual entries. | N/A | meta.code.multip | 1 |
ra | RA | Right ascension | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main | 1 |
dec | Dec | Declination | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main | 1 |
parallax | ϖ | Absolute trigonometric parallax | mas | pos.parallax.trig | 1 |
pmra | PM RA | Proper motion in right ascension | mas/yr | pos.pm;pos.eq.ra | 1 |
pmdec | PM Dec | Proper motion in declination | mas/yr | pos.pm;pos.eq.dec | 1 |
rv | RV | Spectroscopic radial velocity | km/s | phys.veloc;pos.barycenter | 1 |
g_mag | G | G band mean magnitude (corrected) | mag | phot.mag;em.opt | 1 |
bp_mag | BP | Gaia DR3 integrated BP mean magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.b | 1 |
rp_mag | RP | Gaia DR3 integrated RP mean magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.r | 1 |
g_mag_resulting | G_r | Resulting (e.g., deblended) G band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt | 1 |
w2_mag | W2 | WISE W2 band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.4-8um | 1 |
remarks | Remarks | Additional free-text information about the object, in particular warnings about possible mis-identifications or results that have been disputed in the literature. | N/A | meta.note | 5 |
_r | Dist. | Distance to cone center | deg | pos.distance | 10 |
gj_id | GJ | Gliese-Jahreiss number | N/A | meta.id.cross | 15 |
primary_flag | P? | True for the primary of a multiple system | N/A | meta.code | 15 |
gj_system_primary | GJ_p | Gliese-Jahriess number of the primary component of the system | N/A | meta.id.cross | 15 |
gaia_dr3_id | DR3 id | Source identifier in Gaia DR3 | N/A | meta.id.cross | 15 |
epoch | Epoch | Reference epoch for coordinates | yr | time.epoch | 15 |
parallax_error | Err. ϖ | Error in parallax | mas | stat.error;pos.parallax.trig | 15 |
pmra_error | Err. PM RA | Error in pmra | mas/yr | stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.ra | 15 |
pmdec_error | Err. PM Dec | Error of pmdec | mas/yr | stat.error;pos.pm;pos.eq.dec | 15 |
rv_error | Err. RV | Error in rv | km/s | stat.error;phys.veloc;pos.barycenter | 15 |
g_mag_error | Err. G | Error in g_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt | 15 |
bp_mag_error | Err. BP | Error in bp_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.b | 15 |
rp_mag_error | Err. RP | Error in rp_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.r | 15 |
g_mag_from_hip | G HIP | Hipparcos Hp magnitude converted to the G band | mag | phot.mag;em.opt | 15 |
g_rp_from_hip | G-RP HIP | G - RP colour computed from Hipparcos V and I | mag | phot.color;em.opt.r;em.opt | 15 |
g_mag_resulting_error | Err. G_r | Error in g_mag_resulting | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt | 15 |
g_rp_resulting | (G-RP)_r | Resulting (e.g., deblended) G - RP colour | mag | phot.color;em.opt.r;em.opt | 15 |
j_mag | J | 2MASS J band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.j | 15 |
h_mag | H | 2MASS H band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.h | 15 |
k_mag | Ks | 2MASS Ks band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.k | 15 |
w1_mag | W1 | WISE W1 band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.3-4um | 15 |
w3_mag | W3 | WISE W3 band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.8-15um | 15 |
w4_mag | W4 | WISE W4 band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.ir.15-30um | 15 |
p_rot | T_rot | Rotational period taken from p_rot_bibcode. | d | time.period | 15 |
cns6_system_id | System id | CNS6 unique identifier of the stellar system this object belongs to. | N/A | meta.id.parent | 15 |
n_planets | #Planets | Number of confirmed planets associated with the stellar system | N/A | meta.number | 15 |
reference_object_cns5_id | Parent | CNS5_id of the reference object for the object in this entry | N/A | meta.id.parent | 15 |
nexa_id | NExA | Identifier of the object in the NExA (NASA Exoplanet Archive) | N/A | meta.id.cross | 15 |
n_components | #C | Total number of components in the system | N/A | meta.number | 25 |
hip_id | HIP | Hipparcos identifier | N/A | meta.id.cross | 25 |
coordinates_bibcode | Src Pos | Source of the position | N/A | meta.bib;pos.eq | 25 |
parallax_bibcode | Src ϖ | Source of the parallax | N/A | meta.bib;pos.parallax.trig | 25 |
pm_bibcode | Src. PM | Source of the proper motion | N/A | meta.bib;pos.pm | 25 |
rv_bibcode | Src. RV | Source of the radial velocity | N/A | meta.bib;phys.veloc;pos.barycenter | 25 |
g_mag_from_hip_error | Err. G HIP | Error in g_mag_from_hip | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt | 25 |
g_rp_from_hip_error | Err. G-RP HIP | Error in g_rp_from_hip | mag | stat.error;phot.color;em.opt.r;em.opt | 25 |
g_rp_resulting_error | Err. (G-RP)_r | Error in g_rp_resulting | mag | stat.error;phot.color;em.opt.r;em.opt | 25 |
g_rp_resulting_flag | G-RP? | 0 – G-RP is deblended; 1 – G-RP is uncorrected vs. DR3; 2 – G-RP is converted from Hipparcos | N/A | meta.code;phot.mag | 25 |
j_mag_error | Err. J | Error in j_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.ir.j | 25 |
h_mag_error | Err. H | Error in h_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.ir.h | 25 |
k_mag_error | Err. Ks | Error in k_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.ir.k | 25 |
jhk_mag_bibcode | Src. NIR | Source of NIR magnitudes | N/A | meta.bib;phot.mag;em.ir | 25 |
w1_mag_error | Err. W1 | Error in w1_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.ir.3-4um | 25 |
w2_mag_error | Err. W2 | Error in w2_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.ir.4-8um | 25 |
w3_mag_error | Err. W3 | Error in w3_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.ir.8-15um | 25 |
w4_mag_error | Err. W4 | Error in w4_mag | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.ir.15-30um | 25 |
wise_mag_bibcode | Src. MIR | Source of MIR magnitudes | N/A | meta.bib;phot.mag;em.ir | 25 |
p_rot_error | Err. T_rot | Error on p_rot | d | stat.error;time.period | 25 |
p_rot_bibcode | Src. T_rot | Source of p_rot | N/A | meta.bib.bibcode;time.period | 25 |
multiplicity_bibcode | Src. Mult. | Bibcode for literature references documenting system multiplicity. | N/A | meta.bib.bibcode | 25 |
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