Citizen GBOT Upload
On this service, you are welcome to upload images taken of
the Gaia spacecraft during the XY (url) campaign.
Only FITS images with standard space calibration (WCS) are accepted.
If you do not know how to calibrate your images, see
We also require the following headers:
- DATE_OBS containing a UTC timestamp of the form
YYYY-mm-ddTHH-MM-SS. Prefer the GPS timescale (but do not worry
too much about this).
- FILTER containing a free text describing any filters that you used.
Say “clear” for optical observations without any filters.
- EXPTIME (we also accept EXPOSURE), the exposure time in seconds.
We ask you to include the following headers:
- SITELONG, SITELAT, SITEELEV: geographical coordinates, elevation above
some reasonable definition of sea level
- CONTACT: some way to contact you. Note that this will be public
(although we do not expect spammers to harvest FITS files); do not
use valuable contact data here. It is unlikely that we will try to
contact you after, say, April 2025.