Further access options are discussed below
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'High-Resolution Very Large Array Imaging of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 at 1.4 GHz'
You can access this service using:
Intervals of messenger energies reflected in this resource: 5.39079e-06 6.19907e-06 eV
This service is published as follows:
local means it is listed on our front page, ivo_managed means it has a record in the VO registry.
The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
DEC | Delta (ICRS) | Declination (ICRS decimal) | deg | pos.eq.dec |
f_peak | Peak Flux | Peak flux density derived by fitting an elliptical Gaussian model to the source. The uncertainty is given in the rms_nose column. | mJy/beam | phot.flux.density;em.radio.1500-3000MHz;stat.max |
hscs_pos | Position/Name | Coordinates (as h m s, d m s or decimal degrees), or SIMBAD-resolvable object | N/A | N/A |
hscs_sr | Search radius | Search radius in arcminutes | N/A | N/A |
imag | m_i | SDSS i-band magnitude of the closest match in SDSS DR6. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
maxrec | Match limit | Maximum number of records returned. Pass 0 to retrieve service parameters. | N/A | N/A |
p_s | P(S) | Probability that the source is spurious (e.g., because of a sidelobe of a nearby bright source). | N/A | stat.likelihood;obs |
RA | Alpha (ICRS) | Right Ascension (ICRS decimal) | deg | pos.eq.ra |
responseformat | Output Format | File format requested for output. | N/A | meta.code.mime |
SR | Search Radius | Search radius | deg | N/A |
verb | Verbosity | Exhaustiveness of column selection. VERB=1 only returns the most important columns, VERB=2 selects the columns deemed useful to the average user, VERB=3 returns a table with all available columns. | N/A | N/A |
The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
_r | Dist. | Distance to cone center | deg | pos.distance |
c_sdss | Cls | SDSS morphological class of the closest match in SDSS DR6; s = stellar, g = nonstellar/galaxy. | N/A | src.morph.type |
ct | # | Row count; this is not part of the original table but was added to satisfy SCS requirements. | N/A | meta.id;meta.main |
d_sdss | d(SDSS) | Separation of the closest match in SDSS DR6. | deg | pos.angDistance |
dej2000 | Dec | Declination, J2000 Note p | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
f_int | Int. flux | Integrated flux density in mJy derived from the elliptical Gaussian model fit. Note f | mJy | phot.flux.density;em.radio.1500-3000MHz |
f_peak | Peak Flux | Peak flux density derived by fitting an elliptical Gaussian model to the source. The uncertainty is given in the rms_nose column. | mJy/beam | phot.flux.density;em.radio.1500-3000MHz;stat.max |
field | Field | The field name is the name of the coadded image containing the source. Note that the field name encodes the center of the field; field hhmmm+ddmmm is centered at RA = hh mm.m, Dec = +dd mm.m. The letter appended to the field name indicates the last catalog release in which the image was modified. | N/A | meta.id;obs.field |
imag | m_i | SDSS i-band magnitude of the closest match in SDSS DR6. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
n_sdss | |SDSS| | Number of matching SDSS DR6 objects within 8 arcsec. | N/A | meta.number |
p_s | P(S) | Probability that the source is spurious (e.g., because of a sidelobe of a nearby bright source). Note s | N/A | stat.likelihood;obs |
pa | PA | Position angle of the elliptical Gaussian model for the source after beam deconvolution, east of north. | deg | pos.posAng;meta.modelled |
pa_raw | PA raw | Position angle of the elliptical Gaussian model for the source before beam deconvolution, east of north. | deg | pos.posAng |
raj2000 | RA | Right Ascension, J2000 Note p | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
rms_noise | RMS noise | Local noise estimate at the source position, calculated by combining the measured noise from all grid images contributing to the coadded map at the source position. | mJy | stat.error;phot.flux.density |
smaj_ax | Semimajor | FWHM semimajor axis of the elliptical Gaussian model for the source after beam deconvolution. This is zero when the fitted value prior to deconvolution to is smaller than the beam (1.8'') due to noise. | deg | phys.angSize.smajAxis;meta.modelled |
smaj_ax_raw | Smaj raw | FWHM semimajor axis of the elliptical Gaussian model before beam deconvolution. | deg | phys.angSize.smajAxis |
smin_ax | Semiminor | FWHM semiminor axis of the elliptical Gaussian model for the source after beam deconvolution. This is zero when the fitted value prior to deconvolution to is smaller than the beam due to noise. | deg | phys.angSize.sminAxis;meta.modelled |
smin_ax_raw | Smin raw | FWHM semiminor axis of the elliptical Gaussian model before beam deconvolution. | deg | phys.angSize.sminAxis |
The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD | Verb. Level |
raj2000 | RA | Right Ascension, J2000 Note p | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main | 1 |
dej2000 | Dec | Declination, J2000 Note p | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main | 1 |
ct | # | Row count; this is not part of the original table but was added to satisfy SCS requirements. | N/A | meta.id;meta.main | 1 |
f_peak | Peak Flux | Peak flux density derived by fitting an elliptical Gaussian model to the source. The uncertainty is given in the rms_nose column. | mJy/beam | phot.flux.density;em.radio.1500-3000MHz;stat.max | 5 |
f_int | Int. flux | Integrated flux density in mJy derived from the elliptical Gaussian model fit. Note f | mJy | phot.flux.density;em.radio.1500-3000MHz | 5 |
_r | Dist. | Distance to cone center | deg | pos.distance | 10 |
p_s | P(S) | Probability that the source is spurious (e.g., because of a sidelobe of a nearby bright source). Note s | N/A | stat.likelihood;obs | 15 |
rms_noise | RMS noise | Local noise estimate at the source position, calculated by combining the measured noise from all grid images contributing to the coadded map at the source position. | mJy | stat.error;phot.flux.density | 15 |
smaj_ax | Semimajor | FWHM semimajor axis of the elliptical Gaussian model for the source after beam deconvolution. This is zero when the fitted value prior to deconvolution to is smaller than the beam (1.8'') due to noise. | deg | phys.angSize.smajAxis;meta.modelled | 15 |
smin_ax | Semiminor | FWHM semiminor axis of the elliptical Gaussian model for the source after beam deconvolution. This is zero when the fitted value prior to deconvolution to is smaller than the beam due to noise. | deg | phys.angSize.sminAxis;meta.modelled | 15 |
pa | PA | Position angle of the elliptical Gaussian model for the source after beam deconvolution, east of north. | deg | pos.posAng;meta.modelled | 15 |
smaj_ax_raw | Smaj raw | FWHM semimajor axis of the elliptical Gaussian model before beam deconvolution. | deg | phys.angSize.smajAxis | 15 |
smin_ax_raw | Smin raw | FWHM semiminor axis of the elliptical Gaussian model before beam deconvolution. | deg | phys.angSize.sminAxis | 15 |
pa_raw | PA raw | Position angle of the elliptical Gaussian model for the source before beam deconvolution, east of north. | deg | pos.posAng | 15 |
field | Field | The field name is the name of the coadded image containing the source. Note that the field name encodes the center of the field; field hhmmm+ddmmm is centered at RA = hh mm.m, Dec = +dd mm.m. The letter appended to the field name indicates the last catalog release in which the image was modified. | N/A | meta.id;obs.field | 15 |
n_sdss | |SDSS| | Number of matching SDSS DR6 objects within 8 arcsec. | N/A | meta.number | 15 |
d_sdss | d(SDSS) | Separation of the closest match in SDSS DR6. | deg | pos.angDistance | 15 |
imag | m_i | SDSS i-band magnitude of the closest match in SDSS DR6. | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I | 15 |
c_sdss | Cls | SDSS morphological class of the closest match in SDSS DR6; s = stellar, g = nonstellar/galaxy. | N/A | src.morph.type | 15 |
VOResource XML (that's something exclusively for VO nerds)
The uncertainty in f_int can be considerably greater than that of f_peak depending on source size and morphology. An expression to estimate the uncertainty can be found in 2004AJ....128.1974S For point sources, the relative uncertainty reduces to: sigma_I/I = sqrt{ 2.5 sigma^2/I^2 + 0.01^2 }.
The positional errors are a function of source brightness, size, and noise in the map. They are best found using a simple rule-of-thumb approach, as the HAPPY-derived errors tend to be underestimated. An empirical equation for the accuracy at 90% confidence is f_Size * (1/SNR + 1/20), where f_Size is the fitted semimajor or semiminor axis size, and SNR is the signal to noise ratio 1997ApJ...475..479W. Systematic errors are smaller than 0.05".
P(S) values are computed using a custom algorithm based on multiple voting oblique decision tree classifiers, which were trained on deep VLA fields. Note that the algorithm is optimized for the FIRST survey, whereas the RMS computation for this catalog has changed significantly. The values of P(S) are therefore not very reliable for this catalog.