Table Description:
This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.
Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'A Gaia DR2 mock stellar catalog'
Resource Reference URL:
This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 2018PASP..130g4101R (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:gdr2mock_main, year=2018, title={A Gaia DR2 mock stellar catalog}, author={Rybizki, J. and Demleitner, M. and Fouesneau, M. and Bailer-Jones, C. and Rix, H.-W. and Andrae, R.}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center}, doi = {10.21938/SYx.JVejuu66uzDiLcfRlA} }
A web form for validating queries against the Gaia DR2 data model without actually submitting them is available at Note, however, that this machine supports many valuable ADQL 1.1 extensions that that validator does not know about.
To add simulated multi-band photometry, join gdr2mock.main with gdr2mock.photometry USING (index_parsec).
The nominal error model for the astrometry is way too optimistic for stars with an apparent G magnitude smaller than 12. For stars in this range a factor of approximately five needs to be added to the reported values. For details refer to For the photometry the nominal error model seems to be too conservative and the GDR2 photometry seems to be more precise (cf.
gdr2mock.main is a large table. A sequential scan of it will take about an hour on a machine not otherwise loaded. Therefore, only do queries on the whole table with tested queries that actually yield what you expect them to yield. For development, please restrict yourself to reasonably sized-subsets. The recommended pattern is to use common table expressions (CTEs) like this:
WITH sample AS ( SELECT * FROM gdr2mock.main WHERE distance(ra, dec, 66.73, 75.87)<2) SELECT ra, dec, 1/parallax FROM sample WHERE age BETWEEN 0.2 and 0.3
When extending this kind of query to the whole sky (or other regions), all you need to do is edit the statement after WITH.
Note that CTEs are not yet available on all TAP services. On services that do not have them, you can substitute them with subqueries in many situations.
Please note that the standard (and fast) pattern for spatial selections is cone-like; you can equivalently write:
WHERE distance(ra, dec, 66.73, 75.87)<2
WHERE 1=CONTAINS( POINT(ra, dec), CIRCLE(66.73, 75.87, 2))
Both assume ADQL 2.1; in ADQL 2.0 (which still runs on the major Gaia services in early 2018; this form also runs on ADQL 2.1), it's:
WHERE 1=CONTAINS( POINT('', ra, dec), CIRCLE('', 66.73, 75.87, 2))
Do not use “rectangular” selection ("ra between 1 and 2" or "ra<=2 and ra>=1") – this will be slow and may introduce all kinds of weird effects depending on the coordinate frame.
In some situations, you want to exhaustively partition the catalog. To do that, use the source_id column, which has a healpix number in the upper 29 bits. The following partition will yield chunks of no more than 10 million objects and was used to produce the dump of the catalog:
limits = [0, 164291313590476000L, 191269676664280480L, 207871746248160160L, 248685167308531040L, 271513012986365600L, 345530573214495872L, 411247098650686208L, 431307932731207552L, 458978048704340352L, 474888365388891648L, 510167763254636032L, 523311068341874048L, 539913137925753728L, 674113200395447936L, 936287549240881152L, 1060803071119978752L, 1276629975710414592L, 1473087799119657216L, 1738720912461732096L, 1791985885710012928L, 1810663213991877376L, 1820347754582473984L, 1823806519079115520L, 1826573530676428800L, 1832107553871055360L, 1843175600260308480L, 1860469422743516416L, 1869462210434784768L, 1920651924985080320L, 1961465346045451264L, 1974608651132689408L, 1990518967817240832L, 2005737531602463744L, 2017497330891045120L, 2020956095387686656L, 2023723106985000192L, 2025798365682984960L, 2029948883078955008L, 2032024141776939776L, 2034099400474924800L, 2038249917870894848L, 2045859199763506432L, 2050701470058804480L, 2059002504850744320L, 2064536528045370880L, 2072145809937982464L, 2075604574434624000L, 2083905609226563840L, 2103966443307085056L, 2152389146260067584L, 2168991215843947264L, 2177984003535215360L, 2185593285427826944L, 2199428343414393344L, 2207729378206333184L, 2222256189092227840L, 2270678892045210368L, 2544613040179225088L, 2768049226662272512L, 2918851358715846656L, 2931994663803084288L, 2948596733386963968L, 3006703976930543104L, 3035757598702332416L, 3052359668286212096L, 3099398865440538112L, 3112542170527775744L, 3128452487212327424L, 3165115390876728320L, 3316609275829630464L, 3331827839614853632L, 3354655685292687872L, 3383017554165149184L, 3422447469426863104L, 3442508303507384832L, 3472945431077830656L, 3672862018983715328L, 4026347750540486656L, 4036032291131083264L, 4036724044030411776L, 4037415796929739776L, 4038107549829068288L, 4038799302728396288L, 4039491055627724800L, 4040182808527053312L, 4040874561426381312L, 4041566314325709824L, 4042258067225037824L, 4042949820124366336L, 4043641573023694848L, 4044333325923022848L, 4045025078822351360L, 4045716831721679872L, 4046408584621007872L, 4047792090419664896L, 4048483843318992896L, 4049175596218321408L, 4049867349117649408L, 4050559102016977920L, 4051250854916306432L, 4051942607815634432L, 4052634360714962944L, 4053326113614290944L, 4055401372312275968L, 4056093125211604480L, 4057476631010260992L, 4058860136808918016L, 4059551889708246016L, 4060935395506902528L, 4061627148406231040L, 4062318901305559552L, 4063010654204887552L, 4063702407104216064L, 4064394160003544064L, 4065085912902872576L, 4066469418701529088L, 4067852924500186112L, 4068544677399514112L, 4070619936097499136L, 4072695194795484160L, 4075462206392797184L, 4076153959292125696L, 4076845712191454208L, 4077537465090782208L, 4079612723788767232L, 4084454994084065792L, 4087913758580707328L, 4089297264379363840L, 4089989017278692352L, 4090680770178020352L, 4092064275976677376L, 4093447781775333888L, 4095523040473318912L, 4096906546271975424L, 4098981804969960448L, 4101057063667945472L, 4103132322365930496L, 4103824075265258496L, 4105207581063915008L, 4106591086862572032L, 4107282839761900032L, 4108666345560556544L, 4110049851359213568L, 4112125110057198592L, 4115583874553840128L, 4116275627453168128L, 4116967380352496640L, 4118350886151153152L, 4119734391949809664L, 4122501403547123200L, 4124576662245108224L, 4130802438339062784L, 4137719967332346368L, 4143945743426300928L, 4146021002124285952L, 4149479766620927488L, 4153630284016897536L, 4157089048513539072L, 4161239565909509120L, 4170924106500105728L, 4181300399990030336L, 4193751952177939968L, 4200669481171223552L, 4202744739869208576L, 4204819998567193088L, 4210354021761819648L, 4221422068151072768L, 4241482902231593984L, 4251167442822190592L, 4251859195721519104L, 4253242701520175616L, 4254626207318832128L, 4257393218916145664L, 4260851983412787200L, 4262927242110772224L, 4265002500808757248L, 4267769512406070272L, 4273995288500025344L, 4280912817493308416L, 4286446840687934976L, 4291289110983233536L, 4294056122580546560L, 4298206639976516608L, 4303740663171143168L, 4309274686365769728L, 4312733450862411264L, 4314808709560396288L, 4317575721157709312L, 4321034485654350848L, 4338328308137559040L, 4369457188607333376L, 4394360292983153152L, 4468377853211283456L, 4478062393801879552L, 4487746934392476160L, 4504349003976355840L, 4509883027170982400L, 4514033544566952448L, 4518875814862250496L, 4531327367050160128L, 4567298517815233024L, 4631631537452766208L, 4828089360862009344L, 5188492621412064256L, 5227922536673778688L, 5235531818566389760L, 5238298830163703808L, 5241065841761016832L, 5248675123653627904L, 5252133888150269952L, 5254209146848254976L, 5256284405546240000L, 5271502969331463168L, 5299864838203923456L, 5305398861398550528L, 5308857625895191552L, 5310932884593176576L, 5317158660687131648L, 5323384436781086720L, 5330993718673697792L, 5335144236069667840L, 5338603000566309888L, 5342061765062950912L, 5349671046955563008L, 5355896823049518080L, 5367656622338099200L, 5403627773103171584L, 5413312313693768704L, 5435448406472274944L, 5504623696405106688L, 5518458754391672832L, 5525376283384955904L, 5533677318176896000L, 5540594847170179072L, 5559272175452044288L, 5589017550123161600L, 5597318584915101696L, 5604927866807712768L, 5613228901599652864L, 5620838183492263936L, 5645049534968755200L, 5699006261116364800L, 5725984624190169088L, 5786167126431732736L, 5799310431518970880L, 5815220748203522048L, 5823521782995462144L, 5826980547492103168L, 5831131064888073216L, 5833206323586058240L, 5834589829384715264L, 5835281582284043264L, 5837356840982028288L, 5844966122874640384L, 5849116640270609408L, 5851191898968594432L, 5852575404767251456L, 5856034169263893504L, 5857417675062549504L, 5858801180861206528L, 5860184686659863552L, 5862259945357847552L, 5865718709854489600L, 5869869227250459648L, 5872636238847772672L, 5874711497545757696L, 5876095003344414720L, 5880245520740384768L, 5882320779438369792L, 5886471296834338816L, 5888546555532323840L, 5891313567129637888L, 5894772331626278912L, 5899614601921576960L, 5904456872216876032L, 5914141412807472128L, 5920367188901427200L, 5924517706297397248L, 5927284717894710272L, 5929359976592695296L, 5930743482391351296L, 5931435235290680320L, 5932126988190008320L, 5932818741089336320L, 5934202246887993344L, 5936277505585978368L, 5937661011384634368L, 5939736270082619392L, 5942503281679933440L, 5945962046176574464L, 5949420810673216512L, 5951496069371201536L, 5953571328069186560L, 5956338339666499584L, 5957721845465156608L, 5959105351263812608L, 5960488857062469632L, 5962564115760454656L, 5965331127357767680L, 5968098138955080704L, 5970173397653065728L, 5972248656351050752L, 5975707420847692800L, 5977782679545677824L, 5979166185344333824L, 5980549691142990848L, 5984700208538960896L, 5987467220136273920L, 5990925984632915968L, 5995076502028884992L, 6001302278122840064L, 6010986818713437184L, 6019287853505376256L, 6024821876700003328L, 6027588888297316352L, 6028972394095973376L, 6031047652793958400L, 6034506417290599424L, 6044190957881196544L, 6053183745572464640L, 6057334262968434688L, 6061484780364403712L, 6067018803559030784L, 6075319838350970880L, 6090538402136194048L, 6107140471720073216L, 6137577599290519552L, 6199143607330740224L, 6233731252297155584L, 6264168379867601920L, 6363089044471552000L, 6439873616296994816L, 6581682960659300352L, 6648091238994819072L, 6664693308578699264L, 6702047965142428672L, 6709657247035039744L, 6720033540524964864L, 6724184057920934912L, 6726951069518247936L, 6730409834014889984L, 6733868598511531008L, 6736635610108844032L, 6754621185491381248L, 6762230467383992320L, 6774682019571902464L, 6863226390685927424L, 6906806823343610880L, 6917183116833535999L]
Please don't use it to dump the catalog yourself; it might still come in handy if you filter out a large part of the objects but still have more than 10 million matches. Just regularly remove separation points.
The way to use it in python would be to say:
# make svc a TapService object with the right access URL, and then: for low, high in zip(limits[:-1], limits[1:]): partial = svc.run_sync("WITH sample AS (" " SELECT * FROM gdr2mock.main" " WHERE source_id BETWEEN {} AND {})" " <your query against sample here>".format(low, high-1))
In particular to aid in designing studies involving radial velocities, we give a column phot_rvs_mean_mag based on the approximations given in 2018A&A...616A...1G. This is going to be severely off outside of 0.1<BP-G<1.7 (which only affects less than 50 ppm of the objects).
While we strongly recommend that you try to structure your problem so as to make it work through ADQL, for the benefit of those who want to mirror the table or use it in services of their own, we provide a dump of the data in the form of FITS binary tables files; warning: pulling it transfers about 300 gigabytes, and dealing with this data volume is nontrivial.
Having said that: The dump files are available from
Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
source_id | ID | Healpix number using Nside = 4096 with the nested scheme on equatorial coordinates times 2^35. The last digits of the source_id are reserved for a running number that serves as a unique identifier per HEALPix cell. This is formed in accordance with Gaia's source_id definition, but of course mock objects have no relation to any Gaia objects that may have an identical source_id. | N/A |;meta.main |
ra | RA (ICRS) | Barycentric Right Ascension in ICRS at ref_epoch | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
dec | Dec (ICRS) | Barycentric Declination in ICRS at ref_epoch | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
ra_error | Err. RA | Standard error of ra (with cos δ applied). | mas | stat.error;pos.eq.ra |
dec_error | Err. Dec | Standard error of dec | mas | stat.error;pos.eq.dec |
pmra | µ(RA) | Proper motion in right ascension of the source in ICRS at ref_epoch. This is the projection of the proper motion vector in the direction of increasing right ascension. | mas/yr |;pos.eq.ra |
pmdec | µ(Dec) | Proper motion in declination at ref_epoch. | mas/yr |;pos.eq.dec |
pmra_error | Err. PM(RA) | Standard error of pmra | mas/yr | stat.error;;pos.eq.ra |
pmdec_error | Err. PM(Dec) | Standard error of pmdec | mas/yr | stat.error;;pos.eq.dec |
parallax | Parallax | Absolute barycentric stellar parallax of the source at the reference epoch ref_epoch. If looking for a distance, consider joining with gdr2dist.main and using the distances from there. | mas | pos.parallax |
parallax_error | Parallax_error | Standard error of parallax | mas | stat.error;pos.parallax |
phot_g_mean_mag | m_G | Mean magnitude in the G band. This is computed from the G-band mean flux applying the magnitude zero-point in the Vega scale. [Note phot] | mag | phot.mag;em.opt;stat.mean |
phot_g_mean_flux | Flux_G | G-band mean flux as electrons per second. [Note phot] | s**-1 | phot.flux;em.opt;stat.mean |
phot_g_mean_flux_error | Err. Flux(G) | Error on phot_g_mean_flux | s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt;stat.mean |
phot_rp_mean_flux | Flux RP | Mean flux in the integrated RP band. [Note phot] | s**-1 | phot.flux;em.opt.R |
phot_rp_mean_flux_error | Err. Fl. RP | Error in the mean flux in the integrated RP band. Errors are computed from the dispersion about the weighted mean of the input calibrated photometry. | s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R |
phot_rp_mean_mag | Mag RP | Mean magnitude in the integrated RP band. This is computed from the RP-band mean flux applying the magnitude zero-point in the Vega scale. No error is provided for this quantity as the error distribution is only symmetric in flux space. For errors small compared to the flux (less than 10%, say), the magnitude error is well approximated by 1.09*flux/flux_err. [Note phot] | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
phot_bp_mean_flux | Flux BP | Mean flux in the integrated BP band. [Note phot] | s**-1 | phot.flux;em.opt.B |
phot_bp_mean_flux_error | Err. Fl. BP | Error in the mean flux in the integrated BP band. Errors are computed from the dispersion about the weighted mean of the input calibrated photometry. | s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B |
phot_bp_mean_mag | Mag BP | Mean magnitude in the integrated BP band. This is computed from the BP-band mean flux applying the magnitude zero-point in the Vega scale. No error is provided for this quantity as the error distribution is only symmetric in flux space. For errors small compared to the flux (less than 10%, say), the magnitude error is well approximated by 1.09*flux/flux_err. [Note phot] | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
phot_bp_rp_excess_factor | BP/RP excess | BP/RP excess factor estimated from the comparison of the sum of integrated BP and RP fluxes with respect to the flux in the G band. This measures the excess of flux in the BP and RP integrated photometry with respect to the G band. This excess is believed to be caused by background and contamination issues affecting the BP and RP data. Therefore a large value of this factor for a given source indicates systematic errors in the BP and RP photometry. | N/A | |
radial_velocity | RV | Spectroscopic radial velocity in the solar barycentric reference frame. The radial velocity provided is the median value of the radial velocity measurements at all epochs. Warning: in the vicinity of bright stars, DR2 RVs can be grossly wrong. See arXiv:1901.10460 for details. | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
radial_velocity_error | Err. RV | The radial velocity error is the error on the median to which a constant noise floor of 0.11 km/s has been added in quadrature to take into account the calibration contribution. | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
astrometric_gof_al | GoF | Goodness-of-fit statistic of the astrometric solution for the source in the along-scan direction (you probably want to use RUWE instead of this). [Note gof] | N/A | |
astrometric_params_solved | PS | This is a binary code indicating which astrometric parameters were estimated for the source. A set bit means the parameter was estimated. The least-significant bit represents α, the next bits δ, parallax, PM(RA) and PM(De). For Gaia DR2 the only relevant values are 31 (all five parameters solved) and 3 (only positions). | N/A | meta.code |
random_index | Random | Random index that can be used to deterministically select subsets | N/A | meta.code |
l | l | Galactic longitude (converted from ra, dec) | deg | pos.galactic.lon |
b | b | Galactic latitude (converted from ra, dec) | deg | |
phot_g_n_obs | #Obs G | Number of observations contributing to G photometry | N/A | meta.number |
phot_variable_flag | Var? | Photometric variability flag [Note var] | N/A | meta.code;src.var |
phot_rp_n_obs | #RP | Number of observations (CCD transits) that contributed to the integrated RP mean flux and mean flux error. | N/A | meta.number;obs;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
phot_bp_n_obs | #BP | Number of observations (CCD transits) that contributed to the integrated BP mean flux and mean flux error. | N/A | meta.number;obs;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
bp_rp | BP-RP | BP-RP color | mag | phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R |
bp_g | BP-G | BP-G color | mag | phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V |
g_rp | G-RP | G-RP color | mag | phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.R |
phot_rvs_mean_mag | RVS | Approximate estimate for the RVS magnitude. This uses formulae (2) and (3) from 2018A&A...616A...1G. Outside of the range 0.1<BP-G<1.7 we use Eq. 3 (which means the value is probably fairly bogus). | mag | phot.color;em.opt.I |
rv_nb_transits | #RV | Number of transits (epochs) used to compute radial velocity. | N/A | meta.number;obs;spect.dopplerVeloc |
ref_epoch | Epoch | Reference epoch to which the astrometic source parameters are referred, expressed as a Julian Year in TCB. | yr | meta.ref;time.epoch |
astrometric_delta_q | δq(HIP) | Hipparcos/Gaia data discrepancy (Hipparcos subset of TGAS only) [Note dq] | N/A | stat.value |
astrometric_excess_noise | Ex. Noise | Excess noise of the source [Note en] | mas | stat.value |
astrometric_excess_noise_sig | Sig. Noise | Significance of excess noise [Note en] | N/A | stat.value |
astrometric_n_obs_ac | #Obs AC | Total number of observations AC [Note n] | N/A | meta.number |
astrometric_n_obs_al | #Obs AL | Total number of observations AL [Note n] | N/A | meta.number |
astrometric_n_bad_obs_ac | #Bad AC | Number of bad observations AC [Note nb] | N/A | meta.number |
astrometric_n_bad_obs_al | #Bad AL | Number of bad observations AL [Note nb] | N/A | meta.number |
astrometric_n_good_obs_ac | #Good AC | Number of good observations AC [Note ng] | N/A | meta.number |
astrometric_n_good_obs_al | #Good AL | Number of good observations AL [Note ng] | N/A | meta.number |
astrometric_chi2_al | χ² AL | Astrometric goodness-of-fit (χ²) in the AL direction; χ² values were computed for the ‘good’ AL observations of the source, without taking into account the astrometric excess noise (if any) of the source. They do, however, take into account the attitude excess noise (if any) of each observation. | N/A | |
astrometric_primary_flag | Primary? | Only primary sources (for which this flag is True) contribute to the estimation of attitude, calibration, and global parameters. The estimation of source parameters is not affected by primariness. | N/A | meta.code |
astrometric_pseudo_colour | Astr. Col. | Colour of the source assumed in the final astrometric processing, given as he effective wavenumber of the photon flux distribution in the astrometric (G) band. The value given in this field was astrometrically determined in a preliminary solution, using the chromatic displacement of image centroids calibrated by means of the effective wavenumbers (ν_eff) of primary sources calculated from BP and RP magnitudes. The field is empty when no such determination was possible, in which case a default value of 1.6 1/µm was assumed. | um**-1 | N/A |
mean_varpi_factor_al | Par. Fact. | Mean parallax factor in the AL direction, computed from all the good observations of the source processed in the astrometry. The value given in this field is typically in the range [−0.23, +0.32] (1st and 99th percentiles). A value outside this range indicates a distribution of observations that is unfavourable for the determination of the parallax, and the calculated parallax could then be more vulnerable to errors, e.g. from the calibration model, not reflected in the formal uncertainties. | N/A | |
visiblilty_periods_used | #Obs | Number of visibility periods used in Astrometric solution. A visibility period is a group of observations separated from other groups by a gap of at least 4 days. | N/A | meta.number;obs |
astrometric_sigma5d_max | Max σ | The longest principal axis in the 5-dimensional error ellipsoid. This is useful for filtering out cases where one of the five parameters, or some linear combination of several parameters, is particularly ill-determined. It is measured in mas and computed as the square root of the largest singular value of the scaled 5 × 5 covariance matrix of the astrometric parameters. | mas | stat.error;obs;stat.max |
matched_observations | Matched_observations | The number of observations (detection transits) that have been matched to a given source during the last internal crossmatch revision. | N/A | meta.number |
astrometric_priors_used | Prior | Type of prior used in in the astrometric solution [Note pri] | N/A | N/A |
astrometric_relegation_factor | Releg. fct. | Relegation factor of the source calculated as per Eq. (118) in 2012A&A...538A..78L used for the primary selection process. | N/A | arith.factor |
astrometric_weight_ac | Weight AC | Mean astrometric weight of the source [Note maw] | mas**-2 | stat.weight;stat.mean |
astrometric_weight_al | Weight AL | Mean astrometric weight of the source [Note maw] | mas**-2 | stat.weight;stat.mean |
duplicated_source | Dup? | During data processing, this source happened to have been duplicated and one source only has been kept. [Note dup] | N/A | N/A |
ra_dec_corr | RA-Dec-Corr | Correlation between right ascension and declination [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
ra_pmra_corr | RA-PM(RA) Corr. | Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in right ascension [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
ra_pmdec_corr | RA-PM(Dec) Corr. | Correlation between right ascension and proper motion in declination [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
dec_pmra_corr | Dec-PM(RA) Corr. | Correlation between declination and proper motion in right ascension [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
dec_pmdec_corr | Dec-PM(Dec) Corr. | Correlation between declination and proper motion in declination [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
pmra_pmdec_corr | PM(RA)-RM(Dec)-RA | Correlation between proper motion in right ascension and proper motion in declination [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
ra_parallax_corr | RA-π Corr. | Correlation between right ascension and parallax [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
dec_parallax_corr | RA-Dec Corr. | Correlation between declination and parallax [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
parallax_pmra_corr | π-PM(RA) Corr. | Correlation between parallax and proper motion in right ascension [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
parallax_pmdec_corr | π-PM(Dec) Corr. | Correlation between parallax and proper motion in declination [Note cr] | N/A | stat.correlation |
scan_direction_mean_k1 | Scan dir. k1 | Mean position angle of scan directions across the source [Note sk] | deg | N/A |
scan_direction_strength_k1 | Scan conc. k1 | Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source [Note sk] | N/A | N/A |
scan_direction_mean_k2 | Scan dir. k2 | Mean position angle of scan directions across the source [Note sk] | deg | N/A |
scan_direction_strength_k2 | Scan conc. k2 | Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source [Note sk] | N/A | N/A |
scan_direction_mean_k3 | Scan dir. k3 | Mean position angle of scan directions across the source [Note sk] | deg | N/A |
scan_direction_strength_k3 | Scan conc. k3 | Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source [Note sk] | N/A | N/A |
scan_direction_mean_k4 | Scan dir. k4 | Mean position angle of scan directions across the source [Note sk] | deg | N/A |
scan_direction_strength_k4 | Scan conc. k4 | Degree of concentration of scan directions across the source [Note sk] | N/A | N/A |
priam_flags | Priam? | Flags describing the status of the astrophysical parameters Teff, A G and E[BP-RP] (i.e., those determined by Apsis-Priam). See the release documentation. | N/A | meta.code |
flame_flags | FLAME? | Flags describing the status of the astrophysical parameters radius and luminosity (i.e., those determined by Apsis-FLAME). See the release documentation. | N/A | meta.code |
teff_val | T_eff | Effective temperature of the star | K | phys.temperature |
teff_percentile_lower | T_eff low | Lower uncertainty bound of the effective temperature estimate from Apsis-Priam. This is the 16th percentile of its PDF. | K | phys.temperature;stat.min |
teff_percentile_upper | T_eff high | Upper uncertainty bound of the effective temperature estimate from Apsis-Priam. This is the 84th percentile of its PDF. | K | phys.temperature;stat.max |
a_g_val | A_G | Line-of-sight extinction in the G band, A_G | mag | phys.absorption |
a_g_percentile_lower | A_G low | Lower uncertainty bound of the line-of-sight extinction in the G-band estimate from Apsis-Priam. This is the 16th percentile of its PDF. | mag | phys.absorption;stat.min |
a_g_percentile_upper | A_G high | Upper uncertainty bound of the line-of-sight extinction in the G-band estimate from Apsis-Priam. This is the 84th percentile of its PDF. | mag | phys.absorption;stat.max |
e_bp_min_rp_val | E(BP-RP) | Line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP) | mag | phys.absorption |
e_bp_min_rp_percentile_lower | E(BP-RP) low | Lower uncertainty bound of the line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP) estimate from Apsis-Priam. This is the 16th percentile of its PDF. | mag | phys.absorption;stat.min |
e_bp_min_rp_percentile_upper | E(BP-RP) high | Upper uncertainty bound of the line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP) estimate from Apsis-Priam. This is the 84th percentile of its PDF. | mag | phys.absorption;stat.max |
radius_val | Radius | Stellar radius in solar radii | solRad | phys.size.radius |
radius_percentile_lower | R low | Lower uncertainty bound of the radius estimate from Apsis-FLAME. This is the 16th percentile of its PDF. | solRad | phys.size.radius;stat.min |
radius_percentile_upper | R high | Upper uncertainty bound of the radius estimate from Apsis-FLAME. This is the 84th percentile of its PDF. | solRad | phys.size.radius;stat.max |
lum_val | lum | Stellar luminosity in solar luminosities. | solLum | phys.luminosity |
lum_percentile_lower | solLum low | Lower uncertainty bound of the luminosity estimate from Apsis-FLAME. This is the 16th percentile of its PDF. | solLum | phys.luminosity;stat.min |
lum_percentile_upper | solLum high | Upper uncertainty bound of the luminosity estimate from Apsis-FLAME. This is the 84th percentile of its PDF. | solLum | phys.luminosity;stat.max |
feh | [Fe/H] | Fe/H as log10 of solar ratio ('dex') | N/A | phys.abund.Fe |
a0 | a_0 | Monochromatic extinction at lambda = 547.7nm | mag | phys.absorption |
mass | Mass | Initial mass of the star | solMass | phys.mass |
age | Age | Age of the star | Gyr | time.age |
logg | log(g) | Logarithm of surface gravity. | log(cm/(s**2)) | phys.gravity |
nobs | N_obs | Nominal number of observations, scaled to the shorter time base of GDR2 (a function with ecliptic latitude). | N/A | meta.number;obs |
index_parsec | Phot. | Foreign key into the photometry/extinction table. | N/A | |
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