The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (<i>WENSS</i>) is a low-frequency radio survey that covers the whole sky north of delta=30 degree at a wavelength of 92 cm to a limiting flux density of approximately 18 mJy (5 sigma). This survey has a resolution of 54" x 54" cosec (delta) and a positional accuracy for strong sources of 1.5''. <p> Further information on the survey including links to catalogs derived from the survey is available at the <a href=""><i>WENSS</i> website</a>. <p> The <i>WENSS</i> survey is included on the <b>SkyView High Resolution Radio Coverage </b><a href=""> map</a>. This map shows coverage on an Aitoff projection of the sky in equatorial coordinates. <p> Provenance: <i>WENSS</i> Team. Data downloaded from <a href=> <i>WENSS</i> FTP site</a> 1999-03-18. The <i>WENSS</i> project is a collaboration between the <a href="">Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy</a> (NFRA/ASTRON) and the <a href="">Leiden Observatory</a>.. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.