The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia is a working tool, providing all the latest detections and data that have been announced by professional astronomers, Which is intended to be used to facilitate progress in exoplanetology. Ultimately, researchers willing to make a quantitative, scientific use of the catalog can make their own judgement on the likelihood of the data and the detections. The stellar data (positions, distances, V and other magnitudes, mass, metallicities etc) are taken from Simbad or from professional papers on exoplanets. Ongoing large extrasolar planets ('exoplanets') projects include: <pre> Anglo-Australian Planet Search <<a href=""></a>> California & Carnegie Planet Search <<a href=""></a>> Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Programmes <<a href=""></a>> Transatlantic Exoplanet Survey <<a href=""></a>> University of Texas - Dept. of Astronomy <<a href=""></a>> </pre> This table is based on the VOTable format of the catalog obtained from the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia website at <a href=""></a>. It is maintained by Jean Schneider and is updated on a frequent basis, as needed. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .