This survey consists of HI 21-cm spectra covering the southern sky with absolute galactic latitude |b|>=10 degrees and declination dec<=-30 degrees. The observations were made with the Parkes Radio Observatory (CSIRO) 60-foot telescope. The receiver back end was the Parkes 64-channel spectrometer. The velocity resolution was 7km/s (33kHz) and the beamwidth (HPBW) was 48arcmin. Drift scans at constant declination were used with continuous integration in right ascension for -80<=declination<=-30 degrees. For declination<-80 degrees a grid of positions spaced 1 degree apart in declination and one beam-width apart in right ascension were observed. The survey was made in two parts. Part 1 included b>=-25 degrees, |b|>=10 degrees and declination dec<=-30 degrees. Part 2 included b<=-25 degrees and dec<=-30 degrees. The scans in Part 1 were spaced at 1 degree intervals in declination and the velocity coverage was from -148 to +300km/s. The scans in Part 2 were spaced at 2 degrees and the velocity coverage was from -230 to +218km/s. Each spectrum or record consists of a header followed by 64 antenna temperatures. The header contains the galactic longitude, galactic latitude, right ascension, declination, central velocity (LSR), and quality factor. The catalog contains a total of 9891 spectra.