Extragalactic Radio Source Identifications Virtual Observatory Resource

  1. Veron-Cetty M.-P.
  2. Veron P.
  3. Published by

The catalog is a compilation of all published optical identifications of extragalactic radio sources. This machine-readable version is an updated and greatly expanded edition of the original published one; this version contains 14585 identifications and citations to 917 papers. The data file contains most commonly used source name, number in the 4C catalog Gower et al. (1967), and Pilkington and Scott (1965) if applicable, right ascension and declination (equinox B1950.0), magnitude estimate for the identification type of optical object, identification reference, alternate name for identified object (if known), confirmation or invalidation code and associated reference, finding chart existence (or nonexistence), redshift, and reference for the spectrum. A reference file contains the references ordered by number cited in the catalog and alphabetically by author. Completeness has been attempted for all papers published through the end of 1982. The present version contains fewer references than the 1974 version (which had 935) because certain numbers were unused in the previous edition and because certain references are no longer used in the 1983 version and were removed. The authors have prepared this final version and have discontinued future updates. Introduction: Abbreviations used in the catalog for optical and radio designations are given in Tables I and II of Veron-Cetty and Veron (1983) but are repeated here for convenience. The references cited are given in the machine-readable "refs.dat" file. Table I. Abbreviations and References for the Optical Designations ----------------------------------------------------------------- Abbreviation(s) Reference(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------- A Abell's clusters of galaxies (Abell 1958, see Cat. VII/4). M Messier Catalogue. NGC, IC Dreyer (1888, 1895, and 1908). VV Vorontsov-Velyaminov (1959): Atlas and Catalog of Interacting Galaxies ZW, ZW, CL Zwicky et al. (1961). AKN Arakelian (1975). B Braccesi et al. (1970). LB Luyten blue star (Luyten 1962). MARK Markarian (1967, 1969a and b); Markarian and Lipovetski (1971,1972, 1973, 1974, 1976a and b); Markarian et al. (1977a and b, 1979a and b, 1981). PB Berger and Fringant (1977, 1980). PG Schmidt and Green (1983). PHL Palomar Haro-Luyten Object (Haro and Luyten 1962). POX Kunth et al. (1981). TON Iriarte and Chavira (1957); Chavira (1958 and 1959). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table II. Abbreviations and References for the Radio Designations ----------------------------------------------------------------- Abbreviation(s) Reference(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------- AO Arecibo Occultation (Hazard et al. 1967; Hazard et al. 1968; Gulkis et al. 1969; Lang et al. 1970). BDA Blum and Davis (1968). B1 Braccesi et al. (1965). B2 The B2 Catalogue of radio sources (Colla et al. 1970, 1972 and 1973). CTA CalTech list A (Harris and Roberts 1960). CTD CalTech list D (Kellermann and Read 1965). DA Galt and Kennedy (1968). DW Davis (1967) GC Browne et al. (1973). MSH Mills et al. (1958, 1960, and 1961). NB Branson (1967). NRAO Pauliny-Toth et al. (1966). O Ohio catalogue of radio sources (Scheer and Kraus 1967; Dixon and Kraus 1968; Fitch et al. 1969; Ehman et al. 1970; Brundage et al. 1971; Kraus and Andrew 1971). OTL Ooty radio sources (Kapahi et al. 1973a and b). PKS Parkes catalogue of radio sources (CSIRO Staff 1969; Wall et al. 1971). RN Ryle and Neville (1962). VRO Vermilion River Observatory catalogue of radio sources ( McLeod et al. 1965; Dickel et al. 1967; Wendker et al. 1970; Dickel et al. 1971). WK Windram and Kenderdine (1969). WKB Williams et al.(1966). 3C Third Catalogue of Cambridge (Edge et al. 1959; Bennet 1962; Windram and Kenderdine 1969). 4C Fourth Catalogue of Cambridge (Pilkington and Scott 1965; Gower et al. 1967; Caswell and Crowther 1969). 5C Fifth Cambridge Catalogue (Pooley and Kenderdine 1968; Pooley 1969; Wilson 1970). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Note on Table II: Some sources appear with a Parkes-like number without any catalog number. They come from: Hoskins et al. (1972); Fanti et al. (1973); Baldwin et al. (1973); Douglas et al. (1973), Ghigo and Owen (1973); Sharp and Bash (1975).

  1. radio-sources
  2. radio-galaxies
  3. galaxies
  4. catalogs
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