Third Reference Cat. of Bright Galaxies (RC3) Virtual Observatory Resource

  1. de Vaucouleurs G.
  2. de Vaucouleurs A.
  3. Corwin H.G.
  4. Buta R.J.,Paturel G.
  5. Fouque P.
  6. Published by

The University of Texas has revised its third edition of its catalogue of bright galaxies. This not only contains many more entries than the second edition (23,022) but substantially more information for each entry. Introduction: The original Harvard Survey of the External Galaxies brighter than the 13th magnitude, by H. Shapley and A. Ames (1932), included just 1,249 objects (of which five were not galaxies), with estimated photographic magnitudes and diameters from heterogeneous sources. The first Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC1) (G. and A. de Vaucouleurs 1964), prepared between 1949 and 1963, included 2,599 objects (six are not galaxies), over twice the number in the original Shapley-Ames catalogue. In addition to diameters, magnitudes, colors, and redshifts in relatively homogeneous systems, it gave revised classifications and detailed literature references from 1913 to 1963. (NGC 8 is a double star; NGC 4361 is a planetary nebula; NGC 5396 is nonexistent, probably = NGC 5375; IC 1308 is a H II region in NGC 6822; IC 3917 is nonexistent, probably a plate defect (M. Wolf 1905); and A2144 = Palomar 12 is a globular cluster.) The Second Reference Catalogue (RC2) (G. and A. de Vaucouleurs, and H. G. Corwin 1976), prepared between 1971 and 1975, included 4,364 objects (two are not galaxies), for which it gave improved isophotal diameters and axis ratios in the D25 system, newly determined total magnitudes and colors in the UBV system, continuum and 21-cm radio magnitudes, HI index, and redshifts, as well as references to published photographs and a bibliography for the years 1964 to 1975. Both the First and Second Reference Catalogues are limited to galaxies with useful literature references and are incomplete beyond the Shapley-Ames limit. (A0733+02 = DDO 45 is a planetary nebula; A2143-21 = Palomar 12 is a globular cluster.) The present, much enlarged Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC3) attempts to be reasonably complete for galaxies having apparent diameters larger than 1 arcmin at the D25 isophotal level and total B-band magnitudes BT brighter than about 15.5, with a redshift not in excess of 15,000 km/s. Objects of special interest, such as compact galaxies smaller than 1 arcmin or fainter than magnitude 15.5, and those already in RC2, are also included. The number of RC3 objects meeting these conditions is 11,897. Additional objects meeting only the diameter or the magnitude condition, and objects of interest smaller than 1.00, fainter than 15.5, or with redshifts > 15,000 km/s, bring the total to 23,022. (PGC 41636 and P65386 have been deleted since the catalogue was printed. The first is a globular cluster, Palomar 15, and the second is a duplicate entry for NGC 6967.) These were extracted from the database of 73,197 galaxies maintained by G. Paturel at Lyons Observatory (Paturel et al. 1989a,b). Data published prior to mid-1990 are included in the main RC3 table and appendices. As might be expected in a compilation of this size, a number of errors have been detected since this catalog was archived. These have been corrected by H. G. Corwin who submitted the current, corrected version. Any problems relating to the catalogue itself should be addressed to him: Dr. Harold G. Corwin, Jr. IPAC, M/S 100-22 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125 Details of the reduction procedures, and Notes, References, and Appendices are in Volume 1 of the printed version of RC3, available from Springer-Verlag New York. Volumes 2 and 3 (included in this distribution) are also be available from Springer-Verlag should you wish to have a printed and bound version of the complete catalogue. The user of this catalogue is referred to this source volume for notes, references to data on individual galaxies, and the important information contained in the appendices as well as a discussion of how the entries were derived. We ask that you acknowledge RC3 and its authors in any publication that results from your use of the Catalogue. You may also freely distribute unaltered electromagnetic copies of RC3 to friends and colleagues as long as a copy of this documentation - including this notice - accompanies the Catalogue. The printed version of RC3 is protected by copyright, and may not be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the copyright holder, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

  1. galaxies
  2. catalogs
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Springer-Verlag: New York, (1991)
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