Cataclysmic Binaries are semi-detached binaries consisting of a white dwarf or a white dwarf precursor primary and a low-mass secondary which is filling its critical Roche lobe. The secondary is not necessarily unevolved, it may even be a highly evolved star as for example in the case of the AM CVn-type stars. Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries are semi-detached binaries consisting of either a neutron star or a black hole primary, and a low-mass secondary which is filling its critical Roche lobe. Related Objects are detached binaries consisting of either a white dwarf or a white dwarf precursor primary and of a low-mass secondary. The secondary may also be a highly evolved star. The catalogue lists coordinates, apparent magnitudes, orbital parameters, stellar parameters of the components and other characteristic properties of 572 cataclysmic binaries, 80 low-mass X-ray binaries and 142 related objects with known or suspected orbital periods together with a comprehensive selection of the relevant recent literature. In addition the catalogue contains a list of references to published finding charts for 761 of the 794 objects. A cross-reference list of alias object designations concludes the catalogue. Literature published before 31 December 2004 has, as far as possible, been taken into account. This catalogue supersedes the 5th edition (catalogue <V/59>) and the updated lists by Ritter and Kolb (1995; catalogue <V/82>) (1998; catalogue <V/99>).