Using all available proper-motion and radial-velocity data, including new radial-velocity observations obtained for this investigation, probable members of the open cluster NGC 752 have been identified. Photoelectric data on six systems have been transformed and collated to form an internally consistent sample on the BV system. Binaries have been identified using photometric and radial-velocity data, including a photographic survey for variability and the radial-velocity observations of this study. Analysis of the data leads to the following cluster parameters and their probable errors: E(B-V) = 0.035+/-0.005mag, Fe/H = -0.15+/-0.05dex, and (m-M) = 8.25+/-0.10mag. The spread in color among stars in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) along the main sequence from the turnoff to the unevolved main sequence is the consequence of a rich population of binaries. Due to its age and the comprehensive data available for the cluster, NGC 752 provides an ideal test of a variety of evolutionary phenomena. Comparison with theoretical isochrones normalized in an internally consistent manner leads to the conclusion that the morphology and distribution of stars in the CMD can best be matched using models that include convective overshoot, particularly those of Schaller et al. (1992A&AS...96..269S). Despite their differences, the traditional and the overshoot isochrones both imply very similar ages, 1.9+/-0.2Gyr and 1.7+/-0.1Gyr, respectively, for the cluster.