In order to better understand molecular clouds and their properties toward the Galactic center region, we have analyzed the NANTEN database of ^12^CO (J=1-0) and ^13^CO (J=1-0) to search for associations with candidates for young high-mass star-forming regions, such as IRAS point sources, radio continuum sources, recombination line sources, maser line sources, and other molecular line sources. We have also compared the data with TeV gamma-ray sources. The analyzed region covers -12{deg}<=l<=12{deg} and -1.5{deg}<=b<=1.5{deg} for ^12^CO, and -6{deg}<=l<=8{deg} and -1{deg}<=b<=1{deg} for ^13^CO. As a result, we identified 167 IRAS point sources, 73 recombination line sources, 58 maser sources, 107 radio continuum sources, and 77 molecular line sources associated with 169 positions with the CO emission.