In this paper, we extend our work of IV {lambda}{lambda}1548,1551 narrow absorption lines (NALs) with z_abs_<<z_em_ on quasar spectra of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) to collect CIV NALs with z_abs_<=z_em_ from blue to red wings of CIV {lambda}1549 emission lines. Together with IV NALs with 1.4544<=z_abs_<=4.9224 in surveyed spectral region redward of Ly{alpha} until red wing of CIV {lambda}1549 emission line. We find that the stronger CIV NALs tend to be the more saturated absorptions, and associated systems (z_abs_~=z_em_) seem to have larger absorption strengths when compared to intervening ones (z_abs_<<z_em_). The redshift density evolution behaviour of absorbers (the number of absorbers per redshift path) is similar to the history of the cosmic star formation. When compared to the quasar-frame velocity ({beta}) distribution of MgII absorbers, the {beta} distribution of CIV absorbers is broader at {beta}~=0, shows longer extended tail, and exhibits a larger dispersion for environmental absorptions. In addition, for associated CIV absorbers, we find that low-luminosity quasars seem to exhibit smaller {beta} and stronger absorptions when compared to high-luminosity quasars.