We present BVRcIc CCD photometry in the fields of six Galactic open clusters toward the Perseus spiral arm. These data, complemented with J, H and Ks magnitudes from 2MASS, have been used to determine the following ages, distances and colour excesses E(B-V) for these clusters: 40Myr, 3180_-380_^+440^pc, 0.54+/-0.03mag (Berkeley 96); 250Myr, 2410_-200_^+220^pc, 0.77+/-0.06mag (Berkeley 97); 70Myr, 2490_-170_^+180^pc, 0.51+/-0.05mag (King 12); 160Myr, 2830_-150_^+160^pc, 0.88+/-0.09mag (NGC 7261); 280Myr, 2450_-170_^+190^pc, 0.24+/-0.03mag (NGC 7296); 160Myr, 2750_-210_^+220^pc, 0.49+/-0.02mag (NGC 7788). We found gaps in the mass function of clusters Be 97, King 12 and NGC 7788 in the mass intervals [1.3-1.5], [1.4-1.6] and [1.5-1.7] solar masses, respectively.