The H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) has mapped a 100{deg} strip of the Galactic plane (-70{deg}>l>30{deg}, |b|<0.5{deg}) using the 22m Mopra antenna at 12mm wavelengths. Observations were conducted in on-the-fly mode using the Mopra spectrometer (MOPS), targeting water masers, thermal molecular emission and radio-recombination lines. Foremost among the thermal lines are the 23GHz transitions of NH3 J,K=(1,1) and (2,2), which trace the densest parts of molecular clouds (n>10^4^cm^-3^). In this paper, we present the NH_3_(1,1) and (2,2) data, which have a resolution of 2arcmin and cover a velocity range of +/-200km/s.