We present the 2020 version of the Siena Galaxy Atlas (SGA-2020), a multiwavelength optical and infrared imaging atlas of 383620 nearby galaxies. The SGA-2020 uses optical grz imaging over ~20000deg^2^ from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 9 and infrared imaging in four bands (spanning 3.4-22{mu}m) from the 6 year unWISE coadds; it is more than 95% complete for galaxies larger than R(26)~25" and r<18 measured at the 26mag/arcsec^2^ isophote in the r band. The atlas delivers precise coordinates, multiwavelength mosaics, azimuthally averaged optical surface-brightness profiles, model images and photometry, and additional ancillary metadata for the full sample. Coupled with existing and forthcoming optical spectroscopy from the DESI, the SGA-2020 will facilitate new detailed studies of the star formation and mass assembly histories of nearby galaxies; enable precise measurements of the local velocity field via the Tully-Fisher and fundamental plane relations; serve as a reference sample of lasting legacy value for time-domain and multimessenger astronomical events; and more.