We present results from high-resolution (R~40000) spectroscopic observations of over 200 metal-poor stars, mostly selected from the RAVE survey, using the Southern African Large Telescope. We were able to derive stellar parameters for a total of 108 stars; an additional sample of 50 stars from this same effort was previously reported on by Rasmussen+ 2020ApJ...905...20R (Cat. J/ApJ/905/20). Among our newly reported observations, we identify 84 very metal-poor (VMP; [Fe/H]{<}-2.0, 53 newly identified) stars and three extremely metal-poor (EMP; [Fe/H]{<}-3.0, one newly identified) stars. The elemental abundances were measured for carbon, as well as several other {alpha}-elements (Mg, Ca, Sc, and Ti), iron-peak elements (Mn, Co, Ni, and Zn), and neutron-capture elements (Sr, Ba, and Eu). Based on these measurements, the stars are classified by their carbon and neutron-capture abundances into carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP; [C/Fe]{>}+0.70), CEMP subclasses, and by the level of their r-process abundances. A total of 17 are classified as CEMP stars. There are 11 CEMP-r stars (eight newly identified), one CEMP-s star (newly identified), two possible CEMP-i stars (one newly identified), and three CEMP-no stars (all newly identified) in this work. We found 11 stars (eight newly identified) that are strongly enhanced in r-process elements (r-II; [Eu/Fe]{>}+0.70), 38 stars (31 newly identified) that are moderately enhanced in r-process elements (r-I; +0.30<[Eu/Fe]<=+0.70), and one newly identified limited-r star.