We present an analysis of the newly identified {mu}Tau Association (MUTA) of young stars at ~150pc from the Sun that is part of the large Cas-Tau structure, coeval and comoving with the {alpha}Persei cluster. This association is also located in the vicinity of the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region and the Pleiades association, although it is unrelated to them. We identify more than 500 candidate members of MUTA using Gaia DR2 data and the BANYAN {Sigma} tool, and we determine an age of 62{+/-}7Myr for its population based on an empirical comparison of its color-magnitude diagram sequence with those of other nearby young associations. The MUTA association is related to the Theia 160 group of Kounkel & Covey and corresponds to the e Tau group of Liu et al. It is also part of the Cas-Tau group of Blaauw. As part of this analysis, we introduce an iterative method based on spectral templates to perform an accurate correction of interstellar extinction of Gaia DR2 photometry, needed because of its wide photometric bandpasses. We show that the members of MUTA display an expected increased rate of stellar activity and faster rotation rates compared with older stars, and that literature measurements of the lithium equivalent width of nine G0- to K3-type members are consistent with our age determination. We show that the present- day mass function of MUTA is consistent with other known nearby young associations. We identify WD0340+103 as a hot, massive white dwarf remnant of a B2 member that left its planetary nebula phase only 270000yr ago, posing an independent age constraint of 60_-6_^+8^ Myr for MUTA, consistent with our isochrone age. This relatively large collection of comoving young stars near the Sun indicates that more work is required to unveil the full kinematic structure of the complex of young stars surrounding {alpha} Persei and Cas-Tau.