The halos of elliptical galaxies are faint and difficult to explore, but they contain vital clues to both structure and formation. We present the results of an imaging and spectroscopic survey for planetary nebulae (PNe) in the nearby elliptical NGC 5128. We extend the work of Hui and coworkers (Cat. <J/ApJ/449/592>) well into the halo of the galaxy - out to distances of 100 and 50kpc along the major and minor axes. We now know of 1141 PNe in NGC 5128, 780 of which are confirmed. Of these 780 PNe, 349 are new from this survey, and 148 are at radii beyond 20kpc. PNe exist at distances up to 80kpc (~15r_e_), showing that the stellar halo extends to the limit of our data.