Cataclysmic variables (CVs) have "traditionally" been observed primarily at short wavelengths because accretion-generated luminosity, which peaks in the optical-ultraviolet, dominates the radiated energy of most systems. Hence, relatively little is known about their infrared (IR) properties. Investigating CVs in the IR will contribute to the understanding of key system components that are expected to radiate at these wavelengths, such as the cool outer disk, accretion stream, and secondary star. We have compiled the near-IR J, H, and Ks band photometry of all cataclysmic variables contained in the sky coverage of the Second Incremental Data Release of the 2 Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). This data comprises 251 cataclysmic variables with reliably identified near-IR counterparts and S/N>10 photometry in one or more of the three near-IR bands. In addition to tables containing the 2MASS data, we present a set of near-IR finding charts for selected systems.