We report on 1.4GHz continuum observations for 56 contiguous VLA fields, using the D configuration, in a region devoid of nearby, rich galaxy clusters (at z<0.4). 354 continuum sources are tabulated, with fluxes down to about 1.5mJy, in an area of about 12degres^+2^. Only about seven of the 354 radio sources are associated with known rich galaxy clusters at z>0.4 (tabulated by Gunn, Hoessel, and Oke, 1986ApJ...306...30G). We compare source positions with those from an optical catalog (generated from a POSS plate with the use of the Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner) and find mild correlations on angular scales of order 1arcmin. This suggests some association of radio sources with galaxy groups (sizes of order 200 kpc) at redshifts of order z~0.1, even though there are no rich galaxy clusters in this redshift range.