OGLE, MOA & KMTNet RI light curve of KMT-2019-BLG-1715 Virtual Observatory Resource

  1. Han C.
  2. Udalski A.
  3. Kim D.
  4. Kil Jung Y.
  5. Lee C.-U.
  6. Bond I.A.
  7. Albrow M.D.,Chung S.-J.
  8. Gould A.
  9. Hwang K.-H.
  10. Kim H.-W.
  11. Ryu Y.-H.
  12. Shin I.-G.,Shvartzvald Y.
  13. Zang W.
  14. Yee J.C.
  15. Cha S.-M.
  16. Kim D.-J.
  17. Kim S.-L.,Lee D.-J.
  18. Lee Y.
  19. Park B.-G.
  20. Pogge R.W.
  21. Kim C.-H.
  22. Kim W.-T.
  23. Mroz P.,Szymanski M.K.
  24. Skowron J.
  25. Poleski R.
  26. Soszynski I.
  27. Pietrukowicz P.,Kozlowski S.
  28. Ulaczyk K.
  29. Rybicki K.A.
  30. Iwanek P.
  31. Wrona M.
  32. Gromadzki M.,Abe F.
  33. Barry R.
  34. Bennett D.P.
  35. Bhattacharya A.
  36. Donachie M.
  37. Fujii H.,Fukui A.
  38. Itow Y.
  39. Hirao Y.
  40. Kirikawa R.
  41. Kondo I.
  42. Cheung Alex Li M.,Matsubara Y.
  43. Muraki Y.
  44. Miyazaki S.
  45. Ranc C.
  46. Rattenbury N.J.
  47. Satoh Y.,Shoji H.
  48. Suematsu H.
  49. Sumi T.
  50. Suzuki D.
  51. Tanaka Y.
  52. Tristram P.J.,Yamakawa T.
  53. Yamawaki T.
  54. Yonehara A.
  55. Published by

We investigate the gravitational microlensing event KMT-2019-BLG-1715, the light curve of which shows two short-term anomalies from a caustic-crossing binary-lensing light curve: one with a large deviation and the other with a small deviation. We identify five pairs of solutions, in which the anomalies are explained by adding an extra lens or source component in addition to the base binary-lens model. We resolve the degeneracies by applying a method in which the measured flux ratio between the first and second source stars is compared with the flux ratio deduced from the ratio of the source radii. Applying this method leaves a single pair of viable solutions, in both of which the major anomaly is generated by a planetary-mass third body of the lens, and the minor anomaly is generated by a faint second source. A Bayesian analysis indicates that the lens comprises three masses: a planet-mass object with ~2.6M_J_ and binary stars of K and M dwarfs lying in the galactic disk. We point out the possibility that the lens is the blend, and this can be verified by conducting high-resolution follow-up imaging for the resolution of the lens from the source.

  1. exoplanets
  2. gravitational-lensing
  3. infrared-photometry
  4. visible-astronomy
  5. photometry
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