We report long-slit spectroscopy of the early major merger galaxies NGC 3395/NGC 3396. The spectra are consistent with those for star-forming galaxies, but there is some indication of LINER-like active galactic nucleus activity in the center of NGC 3396. The total star formation rate in the regions observed is 2.83 M_{sun}_/yr, consistent with estimates for the entire galaxies. The highest abundances are in the centers of the galaxies, with the abundances decreasing with distance. There is a correlation between high abundance and high ionization parameter, both of which can be attributed to the presence of massive stars. Modeling with SB 99 indicates the star-forming regions are younger than 10 Myr. There are 1000-2000 WNL stars in the system, along with several thousand O stars, consistent with the ages of the star-forming regions. The highest electron densities are found in young regions with high star formation rates. The electron temperatures are higher than results for non-interacting galaxies, which is probably due to shock waves produced by the galaxy-galaxy interaction, the outflow of gas from massive stars, and/or collisions between gas clouds in the galaxies. There is star formation in the bridge of material between the galaxies. These regions are among the youngest in the system and have low abundances, suggesting the gas was pulled from the outer parts of the galaxies. X-ray point sources, probably high-mass X-ray binaries, are associated with several star-forming regions.