The revised sample of 373 extragalactic radio sources brighter than 0.2 Jy at 1.4GHz is presented. These sources, selected from the finding Green Bank surveys, were mapped at 1465 MHz using the VLA at different configurations. The biases introduced into the original GB (Maslowski, 1972AcA....22..227M) and GB2 (Machalski, 1978AcA....28..367M) catalogues by confusion as well as partial resolution by the VLA at its A-configuration, are eliminated. In effect, a number of sources have been excluded, and a few other are included into the revised sample. Now the sample is about 99, 97 and 95 per cent complete for sources with S_1.4_>=0.55Jy, 0.25Jy<=S_1.4_<0.55Jy, and 0.2Jy<=S_1.4_<0.25Jy, respectively. Table 3 gives the compilation of the radio, optical, and X-ray data available for the sample sources.