G25.65+1.04 is one of a few known "super-flare" water masers in the Milky Way, but in contrast to the other sources of the sample, it remains the least studied; in fact, even the nature of the source driving the water maser is still unclear. With this project, we aim to clarify the composition and properties of the G25.65+1.04 region by means of examining the parameters of the continuum sources and establishing their association with masers of different types. Our previous VLA observation detected four continuum peaks (VLA 1-4), three of which (VLA 1-3) were closely spaced and presented a linear orientation. However, that VLA B-configuration observation lacked the spatial resolution to resolve the individual sources. A higher resolution (A-configuration) VLA observation of continuum and spectral lines was conducted in 2019 using L, S, C, and Ku-bands. For the first time, the continuum source VLA 1 - associated with the flaring water maser - is resolved into two components - VLA 1A and 1B. VLA 1A and the water maser are found to spatially coincide and are thought to be powered by the same source - a protostar at an early stage of evolution, showing active ejection. We argue that VLA 2 pinpoints an activly ejecting high-mass protostar as it is associated with a 6.7GHz methanol maser and a magnetised jet traced by 22GHz H_2_O maser. Highly polarised OH maser emission is detected in the vicinity of VLA 1-2, with the brightest OH maser found in VLA 2. The magnetic field, identified from the OH maser emission, ranges from ~+0.4mG in VLA 1A to ~-8mG in VLA 2. The G25.65+1.04 region is found to consist of at least two young stellar objects: VLA 1A and VLA 2. Both sources are found to be at an active accretion/ejection stage of evolution.