The catalog contains the ultraviolet flux measurements at wavelengths of 130-420nm, obtained with an objective-prism telescope during the three manned Skylab missions (Skylab 2, 3 and 4) in 1973 and early 1974. The telescope is an f/3 Ritchey-Chretien system with a 15-cm aperture and a calcium fluoride and lithium fluoride focal-plane corrector, and a 4{deg} prism of calcium fluoride. The spectra were obtained in 188 star fields, digitized with a PDS 1010A microdensitometer, and each spectrum was scanned in a series of 30-micron strips. The final catalogue contains 494 spectra on 492 stars, with a resolution of 0.2mn at 140nm, 1.2nm at 200nm, and 5.2nm at 300nm. The data on each star include the adopted fluxes, exposure data, intermediate-band magnitudes, and cross identifications to the Henry Draper Catalogue (Cat. <III/135>).