The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) is an ultraviolet space telescope launched in 2003. It observes in 2 ultraviolet bands, FUV (far-UV) and NEV (near-UV), which characteristics are: -------------------------------------------------------------------- FUV NUV -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandwidth 1344-1786 1771-2831 ({AA}) Effective wavelength 1538.6 2315.7 ({AA}) Astrometry (R<0.6deg) 0.59 0.49 (arcsec) Photometry 0.05 0.03 (ABmag) Zero point 18.82 20.08 (ABmag) Image resolution 4.2 5.3 (arcsec/pix) Spectral resolution 200 118 ({delta}{lambda}/{lambda}) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Two catalogs of UV sources from GALEX surveys are provided: * the All-sky Imaging Survey (AIS), containing 65.3million sources over 21435 square degrees, has a 5{sigma} depth in FUV/NUV of 19.9/20.8 (AB magnitudes); * the Medium-depth Imaging Survey (MIS), with 12.6million sources, covers 1579 square degrees and has a 5{sigma} depth in FUV/NUV of 22.6/22.7 (AB magnitudes). See also the description by Bianchi et al. (2011MNRAS.411.2770B)