A Finding List of Faint UV-Bright Stars Virtual Observatory Resource

  1. Lanning H.H.
  2. Published by

The survey lists the very blue objects found on the plates taken for the Sandage Two-Color Survey of the Galactic Plane obtained using the Palomar 48 inch Oschin Schmidt telescope. The sources range in U-B color from U-B~-0.1 to U-B~-1.0 and in magnitude from m_B_~10 to ~20. Introduction (by Nancy G. Roman): The Sandage two-color photographic survey was originally made in support of the UHURU X-ray satellite in order to identify those optical counterparts of the detected X-ray sources found in the galactic plane. During inspection of the plates, however, many UV-bright objects fainter than 10th magnitude were seen in the general field. A larger image in the U filter suggested the possibility of a bluer object as in the case of low-luminosity stars, white dwarfs, novae, CVs, normal early B stars, etc. As these are interesting in themselves, it was decided to publish a catalog for the use of other observers. This multi-color photographic technique has been described, for example, by Haro and Herbig (1955BOTT...12...33H). The survey was concentrated on objects with m(B)~10 or fainter. It employed the Palomar 48-in (Oschin) Schmidt telescope and was centered on the galactic plane with overlapping regions covering the galactic latitudes +/-9 degrees, and extending throughout most of the northern plane (l=0-227{deg}). Plates were taken by J. Kristian, A.R. Sandage, R.J. Brucato, and Lanning, primarily. The data presented here were found following a careful examination of the plates but it should not be assumed these data represent a complete survey of the fields examined. The categories were roughly calibrated against photoelectric (U-B) measures, but a full scale calibration program, including magnitude effects, etc. was not done. The numerical (U-B) limits of the tables should not therefore be taken precisely. The blue magnitude of the sources in the finding list has been estimated using these photoelectric values as a guide but should be considered accurate to only +/-0.5mag due to the difficulty of adjusting to the various plate characteristics. Positions were measured from images retrieved from the Space Telescope Science Institute collection of Guide Star digital plate scans. The accuracy of positions from the Guide Star Catalog images has been estimated to be on the order of 0.2-0.8arcsec (Russell et al. 1990AJ.....99.2059R) Information provided by Bidelman (private communication) resulted in the discovery that 15 positions for objects listed in Paper II were in error. Investigation indicated that an incorrect header was associated with the scan of the Guide Star plate originally archived onto optical disk. The incorrect astrometric solution, based on the use of an incorrect origin point, was subsequently applied in the positional determination when centroiding the object. The average offset for positions in right ascension is 14.17 seconds of time, with no detectable trend in the numbers. The offsets in declination range from +6.56 arcseconds through zero to -6.85 arcseconds as one progresses from west to east across the plate. This is consistent with a rotation being introduced into the bad plate solution. Objects with incorrect positions included Lanning 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 108, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, and 122. the file lanning.dat contains the corrected coordinates. Description of version 'A' (B. Skiff, 20 June 2012): Improved coordinates and magnitudes are given for the 734 Lanning UV-bright stars. The positions were occasionally inconsistent and the magnitudes were rather poor. the coordinates should now good to a few tenths of an arcsecond, and the V magnitudes good to +/- 0.3 mag or so. The reported magnitudes were commonly up to 3 magnitudes off, with the general trend of being too bright at the bright end, and too faint at the faint end. All but the very brightest stars were examined on DSS, 2MASS, and Sloan images, and numerous (mostly small problems) were found with the identifications and mismarked charts. Some new Lanning double- identities were found, and additional extragalactic objects were identified. In the middle lists of the series, the coordinates were systematically off by 2"-4". It seems also that a few typos crept into the on-line file. Also, the chart for Lanning 676 does not match the sky at the nominal coordinates, so that object appears to be lost for now. All this is commented upon in the table "lanning.dat" A lot of the stars are quite blue in the visible, but persist in near-IR images, meaning they must have cool companions. Other stars were less obvious, and it seems many must be just ordinary stars, or result from infelicitous overlaps on the two-image plates.

  1. galaxy-planes
  2. milky-way-galaxy
  3. visible-astronomy
  4. Wide-band photometry
  5. surveys
  6. ultraviolet-astronomy
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