The documentation is mostly adapted from the "Documentation for the Machine-Readable Version of A catalog of Ultraviolet Interstellar Extinction Excesses for 1415 Stars" by Wayne H. Warren Jr., May 1986, National Space Science Data Center NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 86-05 This document describes the machine-readable version of the catalog as it is currently being distributed from the Astronomical Data Centers. It is intended to enable users to read and process the data without problems and guesswork, but it is not intended to replace the original published paper, which users should study before processing the data. The format described below is very similar to that given on page 431 of the source reference, but some modifications were made at the ADC (with the consent of the authors) to effect uniformity. Introduction: "A Catalog of Ultraviolet Interstellar Extinction Excesses for 1415 Stars" contains interstellar extinction excesses in the ultraviolet region derived from five-channel UV photometry carried out with the ANS spacecraft. Filters centered at approximately 155, 180, 220, 250 and 330 nm were used for the observations and excesses were derived for each UV wavelength with reference to the V magnitude of the UBV system. The photometric data used to derive the UV excesses are taken from the "ANS Ultraviolet Photometry Catalogue of Point Sources (Wesselius et al. 1982), also available in machine-readable form from the international network of astronomical data centers (catalog II/97; Warren 1984). For additional information concerning the source data, object selection, extinction parameters, and relations among the color excesses themselves and with the excess extinction in the 220-nm bump, the source reference should be consulted.