Further access options are discussed below
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'CALIFA (Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field spectroscopy Area) survey DR3'
The CALIFA cubes are available in database tables at this site. Here's an example for how to solve a little problem using VO tools.
There are two additional examples for how to use TAP to explore the CALIFA data in our TAP examples:
The idea is to put all cubes at the rest frame. So if you have the velocity recession in the header (MED_VEL; or taken from NED), just have to do:
w_rest = w_obs/(1 + (recvel/c_speed))
Once I have a common wavelength reference, I want to look if I have a certain emission line. Let's say I look for Halpha. An easy way to do it without measuring the line is define a continuum an compare the fluxes. So if:
flux_6563 / [(flux_6540+flux_6700)/2.0] > 3
it's a hint of having Halpha emission. As you see, I use to continuum points at both sides of the line.
Then, I would ask for all spectra in the cubes having this condition.
There are several ways to solve this problem using VO tools and services, but we will, somewhat unorthodoxly, use TAP, a protocol to exchanges SQL (actually, ADQL) queries and query results with servers. There are several clients that can do this; if you have no other preferences, use TOPCAT. There, open VO/TAP, push the pin in the left upper corner of the window (to keep the window open after sending off a query), and in the TAP URL field below, enter http://dc.g-vo.org/tap. Hit "Enter query", and you are in a dialog that lets you inspect a server's table metadata (look for tables in califadr3) and enter queries.
The targets of the CALIFA survey and their redshifts are in the califadr3.objects table. So, to compute the wavelengths in question you could say:
select target_name, califaid, 6563*(1+redshift) as lha, 6540*(1+redshift) as lri, 6700*(1+redshift) as lle from califadr3.objects (1)
The wavelength/fluxes pairs, on the other hand, and in tables califadr3.fluxv500 (or v1200) and califadr3.fluxposv500; in the former, flux is given over lambda, califa id (a small integer; let's use 909, corresponding to UGC 12519, as an example further down) and pixel coordinates, in the latter, it is celestial positions.
Since we cannot usefully compare floats for equality in generally, and in particular not here, to retrieve fluxes for a single wavelength you need to restrict lambda to an interval wide enough. How wide the interval needs to be, you can figure out be determining the spacing of samples. For the V500 data set, this could look like this:
select distinct top 2 lambda from califadr3.fluxv500 order by lambda (2)
(This is fast although there's dozens of millions of lambdas in this table because there's an index on lambda, and there are not many distinct values). If you try it, you'll see that we have steps of two Ångström, so you'll want the interval to be something like 2.2 Ångström.
To obtain fluxes while while having the redshift available -- as needed here -- you need to join the objects with the flux tables; here, you can use a "NATURAL" join, which means all columns identically names are to be used for joining:
select top 5000 target_name, xindex, yindex, lambda, flux from califadr3.fluxv500 natural join califadr3.objects where lambda between 6563*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6563*(1+redshift)+1.1 and target_name='UGC12519' (3)
The "top 5000" is necessary here to retrieve all fluxes: to protect your nerves, the server inserts a "top 2000" unless you order something else. The restriction on the califaid makes sure we don't retrieve all fluxes between our two wavelengths in the CALIFA tables.
This table has pixel coordinates. The physical positions for each pixel are in a table called califadr3.spectra. To get them into your table, you'll need another join:
select top 5000 target_name, raj2000, dej2000, lambda, flux from califadr3.fluxv500 natural join califadr3.objects natural join califadr3.spectra where lambda between 6563*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6563*(1+redshift)+1.1 and target_name='UGC12519' (3)
At this point you could retrieve the flux maps at the three tables and use, for instance, TOPCAT's crossmatch functionality to do the match client-side. However, let's assume we want to keep processing server-side, e.g., because we want to run this on a lot of objects and don't want to download all the layers.
To retrieve fluxes at multiple wavelengths, you can query like this:
select top 5000 target_name, raj2000, dej2000, lambda, flux from califadr3.fluxv500 natural join califadr3.objects natural join califadr3.spectra where ( lambda between 6563*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6563*(1+redshift)+1.1 or lambda between 6540*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6540*(1+redshift)+1.1 or lambda between 6700*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6700*(1+redshift)+1.1) and target_name='UGC12519' (5)
The problem with this is that you cannot compute the criterion for a strong Halpha emission from this as the three fluxes are in three different rows. When you are in that situation, SQL offers grouping -- this means that rows sharing a criterion end up in a bag; you can then use "aggregate functions" on these. Note, that as most things in the relational world, the items in the bag are not sorted.
As a general word of advice: In the SQL world, thinking in array terms is typically going to lead to complicated and slow queries. Try thinking in terms of sets and matters will become manageable.
ADQL's aggregate functions are a bit limited, but for this case they're just enough -- just compare the maximum flux to the average flux:
select top 5000 califaid, xindex, yindex from califadr3.fluxv500 natural join califadr3.objects where ( lambda between 6563*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6563*(1+redshift)+1.1 or lambda between 6540*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6540*(1+redshift)+1.1 or lambda between 6700*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6700*(1+redshift)+1.1) and target_name='UGC12519' group by califaid, xindex, yindex having (max(flux)/avg(flux)>3) (6)
We group on pixel coordinates here as that's much more robust (and also somewhat faster) than going by the floating point ra/dec pairs. To turn the pixel coordinates to postitions you can do something with, again do a join with califadr3.spectra as in (4), except this time you turn the entire query so far into a subquery:
select raj2000, dej2000 from ( select califaid, xindex, yindex from califadr3.fluxv500 natural join califadr3.objects where ( lambda between 6563*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6563*(1+redshift)+1.1 or lambda between 6540*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6540*(1+redshift)+1.1 or lambda between 6700*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6700*(1+redshift)+1.1) and target_name='UGC12519' group by califaid, xindex, yindex having (max(flux)/avg(flux)>3)) as spots natural join califadr3.spectra
Finally, if you want to have all such "interesting" points in CALIFA, drop the constaint on the object name:
select raj2000, dej2000 from ( select califaid, xindex, yindex from califadr3.fluxv500 natural join califadr3.objects where ( lambda between 6563*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6563*(1+redshift)+1.1 or lambda between 6540*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6540*(1+redshift)+1.1 or lambda between 6700*(1+redshift)-1.1 and 6700*(1+redshift)+1.1) group by califaid, xindex, yindex having (max(flux)/avg(flux)>3)) as spots natural join califadr3.spectra (8)
This is a fairly long-running query, which will time out on you on when you enter it through the "synchronous" TAP endpoint that TOPCAT uses by default (because it's simple and has little overhead). To use the "async" endpoint, uncheck "Synchronous" in TOPCAT's TAP dialog (or do the equivalent thing in another client). With this, you can turn off your computer, take it somewhere else, and resume operations when you get back; in this case, the job should be done in 20 minutes or so depending on server load and similar factors.
Once you have the data, try a few of the nice VO features you get. If you used TOPCAT to query, the result is in a table. With this, start Aladin, in TOPCAT, select Interop/Send Table To/Aladin and watch your matches in Aladin. Hit, e.g., "Optical" in Aladin, and you can zoom in on the "interesting" spots and see them overplotted on sky images.
You could now load the corresponding spectrum into a spectral analysis tool like, say Splat. To do that, in Aladin click on one point, go to the load dialog and there the "all VO" tab. Optionally, go to "Detailed List", hit "Uncheck all" and just check the "CALIFA Spectra" service (this is going to speed up your queries significantly).
Then start Splat, in the Aladin load dialog set the search radius to 0.01' (i.e., .6 arcsec) and submit. You should see both the V1200 and the V500 spectra -- right click on the one you want to see, select "Open with", "Splat", and work with your spectrum there.
If you don't want to get Splat, TOPCAT will do as well, although it has much less of built-in knowledge about spectra -- in that case, open TOPCAT's VO/SSA dialog, in the list of SSA services select "califa ssa", make sure "Accept Sky Positions" is checked, in "Diameter" again say something like 0.6 arcsec. If you hover over a point in Aladin, you'll get your positions filled in, and if you hit "Ok", the spectrum will be retrieved. If you, again, use the pushpin to make TOPCAT keep the window open, you have a quick way of downloading spectra that look interesting to you.
You can access this service using:
Intervals of messenger energies reflected in this resource: 1.6529 3.39683 eV
Time covered by this resource's data: 2010.44 2015.97
This resource is not (directly) published. This can mean that it was deemed too unimportant, for internal use only, or is just a helper for a published service. Equally likely, however, it is under development, abandoned in development or otherwise unfinished. Exercise some caution.
Other services provided on the underlying data include:
The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
POS | Position | A spatial constraint using SIAPv2 CIRCLE, RANGE, or POLYGON shapes and respective values in decimal degrees. | N/A | N/A |
target_name | Target Name | Object a targeted observation targeted | N/A | meta.id;src |
The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
accref | Product key | Access key for the data | N/A | meta.ref.url |
accsize | File size | Size of the data in bytes | byte | VOX:Image_FileSize |
cal_flatsdss | Flat!? | Flag for visually evident problems in the `SDSS flat' (see source paper); NULL here means: no SDSS flat applied. | N/A | meta.code.qual |
cal_snr1hlr | SNR | Signal to noise ratio at the half-light ratio. | N/A | stat.snr |
califaid | CALIFA# | CALIFA internal object key Note i | N/A | meta.id;meta.main |
em_max | λ_max | Maximal wavelength represented within the data set | m | em.wl;stat.max |
em_min | λ_min | Minimal wavelength represented within the data set | m | em.wl;stat.min |
em_res_power | λ/Δλ | Spectral resolving power lambda/delta lambda | N/A | spect.resolution |
em_xel | |λ| | Number of elements (typically pixels) along the spectral axis. | N/A | meta.number |
flag_cal_imgqual | Img!? | Flag for visually evident problems in this cube | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_cal_registration | Pos!? | Flag for visually evident problems in the registration of the synthetic broad-band image with SDSS and related procedures. | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_cal_specphoto | Limit!? | Flag for problems with spectro-photometric calibration. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_cal_specqual | Spec!? | Flag for visually evident problems in a 30''-aperture spectrum generated from this cube | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_cal_v1200v500 | Match!? | Set if a visual check for the 30''-aperture integrated spectra in V500, V1200, and COMB showed problems. | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_cal_wl | Cal λ!? | Flag for critical wavelength calibration stability. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_obs_am | Airmass!? | Quality flag for airmass (secz) (determined as the most severe over mean, max, and rms Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual;obs.airMass |
flag_obs_ext | ext_v!? | Quality flag for atmospheric extinction in V band (determined as the most severe over mean, max, and rms Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual;obs.atmos.extinction;em.opt.V |
flag_obs_skymag | SB!? | Flag for critical sky surface brightness. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_red_cdisp | cdisp!? | Quality flag for cross-dispersion FWHM (determined as the most severe over mean, max, and rms Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual;instr.dispersion |
flag_red_disp | disp!? | Quality flag for spectral dispersion FWHM (determined as the most severe over mean, max, and rms Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual;instr.dispersion |
flag_red_errspec | Badpix!? | Flag indicating excessive bad pixels. | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_red_limsb | Limit!? | Flag for critical limiting surface brightness sensitivity. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_red_skylines | !Sky? | Flag denoting problems with the sky substraction Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual |
flag_red_straylight | Stray!? | Flag for critical straylight. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual |
mime | Type | MIME type of the file served | N/A | meta.code.mime |
notes | Notes | Notes | N/A | meta.note |
obs_am_max | max(Airmass) | Maximal airmass (secz) band among all pointings. | mag | obs.airMass;stat.max |
obs_am_mean | <Airmass> | Mean airmass (secz) over all pointings. | mag | obs.airMass;stat.mean |
obs_am_rms | σAirmass | RMS airmass (secz) band over all pointings | mag | stat.error;obs.airMass |
obs_ext_max | max(ext_v) | Maximal atmospheric extinction in V band band among all pointings. | mag | obs.atmos.extinction;em.opt.V;stat.max |
obs_ext_mean | <ext_v> | Mean atmospheric extinction in V band over all pointings. | mag | obs.atmos.extinction;em.opt.V;stat.mean |
obs_ext_rms | σext_v | RMS atmospheric extinction in V band band over all pointings | mag | stat.error;obs.atmos.extinction;em.opt.V |
obs_id | Obs. Id | Unique identifier for an observation | N/A | meta.id |
obs_publisher_did | Pub. DID | Dataset identifier assigned by the publisher. | N/A | meta.ref.ivoid |
obs_seeing_mean | <seeing> | Mean FWHM seeing over all pointings | arcsec | instr.obsty.seeing;stat.mean |
obs_seeing_rms | σ(seeing) | RMS of FWHM seeing over all pointings | arcsec | stat.error;instr.obsty.seeing |
obs_title | Title | Free-from title of the data set | N/A | meta.title;obs |
s_dec | Dec | Declination of galaxy center, J2000, from NED | deg | pos.eq.dec |
s_ra | RA | Right ascension of galaxy center, J2000, from NED | deg | pos.eq.ra |
s_region | coverage | Region covered by the observation, as a polygon | N/A | pos.outline;obs.field |
setup | Setup | Instrument setup (V500, V1200, or COMBO) Note s | N/A | meta.code;instr |
t_exptime | Exp. Time | Total exposure time | s | time.duration;obs.exposure |
t_max | T_max | Upper bound of times represented in the data set | d | time.end;obs.exposure |
t_min | Min. t | Lower bound of times represented in the data set | d | time.start;obs.exposure |
target_name | Target Name | Object a targeted observation targeted | N/A | meta.id;src |
The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD | Verb. Level |
accref | Product key | Access key for the data | N/A | meta.ref.url | 1 |
califaid | CALIFA# | CALIFA internal object key Note i | N/A | meta.id;meta.main | 1 |
s_ra | RA | Right ascension of galaxy center, J2000, from NED | deg | pos.eq.ra | 1 |
s_dec | Dec | Declination of galaxy center, J2000, from NED | deg | pos.eq.dec | 1 |
obs_id | Obs. Id | Unique identifier for an observation | N/A | meta.id | 5 |
obs_title | Title | Free-from title of the data set | N/A | meta.title;obs | 5 |
obs_publisher_did | Pub. DID | Dataset identifier assigned by the publisher. | N/A | meta.ref.ivoid | 5 |
t_exptime | Exp. Time | Total exposure time | s | time.duration;obs.exposure | 10 |
t_min | Min. t | Lower bound of times represented in the data set | d | time.start;obs.exposure | 10 |
t_max | T_max | Upper bound of times represented in the data set | d | time.end;obs.exposure | 10 |
em_min | λ_min | Minimal wavelength represented within the data set | m | em.wl;stat.min | 10 |
em_max | λ_max | Maximal wavelength represented within the data set | m | em.wl;stat.max | 10 |
em_xel | |λ| | Number of elements (typically pixels) along the spectral axis. | N/A | meta.number | 10 |
accsize | File size | Size of the data in bytes | byte | VOX:Image_FileSize | 11 |
target_name | Target Name | Object a targeted observation targeted | N/A | meta.id;src | 15 |
s_region | coverage | Region covered by the observation, as a polygon | N/A | pos.outline;obs.field | 15 |
em_res_power | λ/Δλ | Spectral resolving power lambda/delta lambda | N/A | spect.resolution | 15 |
obs_ext_mean | <ext_v> | Mean atmospheric extinction in V band over all pointings. | mag | obs.atmos.extinction;em.opt.V;stat.mean | 15 |
obs_ext_max | max(ext_v) | Maximal atmospheric extinction in V band band among all pointings. | mag | obs.atmos.extinction;em.opt.V;stat.max | 15 |
obs_ext_rms | σext_v | RMS atmospheric extinction in V band band over all pointings | mag | stat.error;obs.atmos.extinction;em.opt.V | 15 |
obs_am_mean | <Airmass> | Mean airmass (secz) over all pointings. | mag | obs.airMass;stat.mean | 15 |
obs_am_max | max(Airmass) | Maximal airmass (secz) band among all pointings. | mag | obs.airMass;stat.max | 15 |
obs_am_rms | σAirmass | RMS airmass (secz) band over all pointings | mag | stat.error;obs.airMass | 15 |
flag_red_skylines | !Sky? | Flag denoting problems with the sky substraction Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_red_straylight | Stray!? | Flag for critical straylight. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_obs_skymag | SB!? | Flag for critical sky surface brightness. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_red_limsb | Limit!? | Flag for critical limiting surface brightness sensitivity. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_red_errspec | Badpix!? | Flag indicating excessive bad pixels. | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_cal_specphoto | Limit!? | Flag for problems with spectro-photometric calibration. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_cal_wl | Cal λ!? | Flag for critical wavelength calibration stability. Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_cal_imgqual | Img!? | Flag for visually evident problems in this cube | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_cal_specqual | Spec!? | Flag for visually evident problems in a 30''-aperture spectrum generated from this cube | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
cal_flatsdss | Flat!? | Flag for visually evident problems in the `SDSS flat' (see source paper); NULL here means: no SDSS flat applied. | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_cal_registration | Pos!? | Flag for visually evident problems in the registration of the synthetic broad-band image with SDSS and related procedures. | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
flag_cal_v1200v500 | Match!? | Set if a visual check for the 30''-aperture integrated spectra in V500, V1200, and COMB showed problems. | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
obs_seeing_mean | <seeing> | Mean FWHM seeing over all pointings | arcsec | instr.obsty.seeing;stat.mean | 15 |
obs_seeing_rms | σ(seeing) | RMS of FWHM seeing over all pointings | arcsec | stat.error;instr.obsty.seeing | 15 |
cal_snr1hlr | SNR | Signal to noise ratio at the half-light ratio. | N/A | stat.snr | 15 |
notes | Notes | Notes | N/A | meta.note | 15 |
setup | Setup | Instrument setup (V500, V1200, or COMBO) Note s | N/A | meta.code;instr | 15 |
mime | Type | MIME type of the file served | N/A | meta.code.mime | 20 |
flag_obs_ext | ext_v!? | Quality flag for atmospheric extinction in V band (determined as the most severe over mean, max, and rms Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual;obs.atmos.extinction;em.opt.V | 20 |
flag_obs_am | Airmass!? | Quality flag for airmass (secz) (determined as the most severe over mean, max, and rms Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual;obs.airMass | 20 |
flag_red_disp | disp!? | Quality flag for spectral dispersion FWHM (determined as the most severe over mean, max, and rms Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual;instr.dispersion | 20 |
flag_red_cdisp | cdisp!? | Quality flag for cross-dispersion FWHM (determined as the most severe over mean, max, and rms Note f | N/A | meta.code.qual;instr.dispersion | 20 |
owner | Owner | Owner of the data | N/A | N/A | 25 |
embargo | Embargo ends | Date the data will become/became public | yr | N/A | 25 |
red_disp_mean | <disp> | Mean spectral dispersion FWHM over all pointings. | 0.1nm | instr.dispersion;stat.mean | 25 |
red_disp_max | max(disp) | Maximal spectral dispersion FWHM band among all pointings. | 0.1nm | instr.dispersion;stat.max | 25 |
red_disp_rms | σdisp | RMS spectral dispersion FWHM band over all pointings | 0.1nm | stat.error;instr.dispersion | 25 |
red_cdisp_mean | <cdisp> | Mean cross-dispersion FWHM over all pointings. | pixel | instr.dispersion;stat.mean | 25 |
red_cdisp_max | max(cdisp) | Maximal cross-dispersion FWHM band among all pointings. | pixel | instr.dispersion;stat.max | 25 |
red_cdisp_rms | σcdisp | RMS cross-dispersion FWHM band over all pointings | pixel | stat.error;instr.dispersion | 25 |
red_resskyline_min | min(skyline) | Flux residual of a bright skyline (at 557.7 nm for V500, 435.8 nm for V1200), minimum over all pointings | count | stat.fit.residual;spect.line;stat.min | 25 |
red_resskyline_max | max(skyline) | Flux residual of a bright skyline (at 557.7 nm for V500, 435.8 nm for V1200), maximum over all pointings | count | stat.fit.residual;spect.line;stat.max | 25 |
red_rmsresskyline_max | max(skyline) | RMS flux residual over all fibers of a bright skyline (at 557.7 nm for V500, 435.8 nm for V1200), maximum over all pointings | count | stat.fit.residual;spect.line;stat.max | 25 |
red_meanstraylight_max | <stray> | Maximum of mean straylight intensity over all pointings | count | instr.background;stat.mean | 25 |
red_maxstraylight_max | max(stray) | Maximum of maximum straylight intensity over all pointings | count | instr.background;stat.max | 25 |
red_rmsstraylight_max | σstray | Maximum of RMS straylight intensity over all pointings | count | instr.background | 25 |
obs_skymag_mean | <skymag> | Mean V band sky surface brightness over all pointings. | mag/arcsec**2 | phot.mag.sb;instr.skyLevel;em.opt.V;stat.mean | 25 |
obs_skymag_rms | σskymag | RMS of V band sky surface brightness over all pointings. | mag/arcsec**2 | stat.error;phot.mag.sb;instr.skyLevel;em.opt.V | 25 |
red_limsb | Lim. SB | 3-sigma limiting surface brightness in B band in mag. | mag/arcsec**2 | phot.mag.sb;em.opt.B;stat.min | 25 |
red_limsbflux | Lim. SB | 3-sigma limiting surface brightness in B band as flux. | 1e3J.cm**-2.s**-1.m**-1.arcsec**-2 | N/A | 25 |
red_frac_bigerr | Bad Pix. | Fraction of bad pixels (error larger than five times the value) in this cube. | N/A | instr.det.noise;arith.ratio | 25 |
cal_qflux_g | C/SDSS G | Average flux ratio relative to SDSS g mean over all pointings | N/A | phot.flux;em.opt.V;arith.ratio | 25 |
cal_qflux_r | C/SDSS R | Average flux ratio relative to SDSS r mean over all pointings | N/A | phot.flux;em.opt.R;arith.ratio | 25 |
cal_qflux_rms | RMS C/SDSS | Average flux ratio relative to SDSS g and r RMS over all pointings | N/A | stat.error;em.opt;arith.ratio | 25 |
cal_rmsvelmean | WL Calib delta | RMS of radial velocity residuals of estimates based on 3 or 4 spectral subranges wrt the estimates from the full spectrum. | km/s | stat.error;instr.calib | 25 |
CALIFA asks you to acknowledge:
"This study uses data provided by the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey (http://califa.caha.es/)."
"Based on observations collected at the Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) at Calar Alto, operated jointly by the Max-Planck-Institut fűr Astronomie and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC)."
and to cite both of 2014A&A...569A...1W and 2012A&A...538A...8S
VOResource XML (that's something exclusively for VO nerds)
Each flag may be NULL (undefined), 0 (good quality), 1 (warning: minor issues that do not significantly affect the quality), or 2 (bad: significant issues affecting the quality)
The CALIFA id is
The califa cubes come in three setups: