Information on Service 'WISE All-Sky Release Catalog SCS'

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The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) is a space-based imaging survey of the entire sky in the 3.4 (W1), 4.6 (W2), 12 (W3), and 22 (W4) μm mid-infrared. This is the project's reliable Source Catalog containing accurate photometry and astrometry for over 500 million objects.

More details are available in the Explanatory Supplement, which also has a list of Cautionary Notes.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'WISE All-Sky Release Catalog'


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Intervals of messenger energies reflected in this resource: 0.0539079 0.41325 eV

Time covered by this resource's data: 2010.02 2010.59

This service is published as follows:

local means it is listed on our front page, ivo_managed means it has a record in the VO registry.

Input Fields

The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
DEC Delta (ICRS) Declination (ICRS decimal) deg pos.eq.dec
designation WISE id Sexagesimal, equatorial position-based source name in the form: The full naming convention for WISE All-Sky Release Catalog sources has the form 'WISE,', where WISE is not given in this column. N/A;meta.main
hscs_pos Position/Name Coordinates (as h m s, d m s or decimal degrees), or SIMBAD-resolvable object N/A N/A
hscs_sr Search radius Search radius in arcminutes N/A N/A
maxrec Match limit Maximum number of records returned. Pass 0 to retrieve service parameters. N/A N/A
RA Alpha (ICRS) Right Ascension (ICRS decimal) deg pos.eq.ra
responseformat Output Format File format requested for output. N/A meta.code.mime
SR Search Radius Search radius deg N/A
verb Verbosity Exhaustiveness of column selection. VERB=1 only returns the most important columns, VERB=2 selects the columns deemed useful to the average user, VERB=3 returns a table with all available columns. N/A N/A
w1mpro Mag. 3.4µm Magnitude at 3.4µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 3.4µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 3.4µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um
w2mpro Mag. 4.6µm Magnitude at 4.6µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 4.6µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 4.6µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um
w3mpro Mag. 12µm Magnitude at 12µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 12µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 12µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um
w4mpro Mag. 22µm Magnitude at 22µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 22µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 22µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um

Default Output Fields

The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
_r Dist. Distance to cone center deg pos.distance
cc_flags C&C flags Contamination and confusion flag. N/A meta.code.qual
dej2000 Dec J2000 declination with respect to the 2MASS PSC reference frame. deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main
designation WISE id Sexagesimal, equatorial position-based source name in the form: The full naming convention for WISE All-Sky Release Catalog sources has the form 'WISE,', where WISE is not given in this column. N/A;meta.main
det_bit Det? Bit-encoded integer indicating bands in which a source has a w?snr>2 detection. For example, a source detected in W1 only has det_bit=1 (binary 0001). A source detected in W4 only has det_bit=8 (binary 1000). A source detected in all four bands has det_bit=15 (binary 1111). N/A meta.code.qual
ext_flg Ext. src. Extended source flag. Note e N/A meta.code;src.class
glat G. Lat Galactic latitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. deg
glon G. Long. Galactic longitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. deg pos.galactic.lon
ph_qual Phot. qual Photometric quality flag. Note p N/A meta.code.qual;phot.mag
raj2000 RA J2000 right ascension with respect to the 2MASS PSC reference frame deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main
sigdec Err. Dec One-sigma uncertainty in declination coordinate. deg stat.error;pos.eq.dec
sigra Err. RA One-sigma uncertainty in right ascension coordinate. deg stat.error;pos.eq.ra
tmass_key 2MASS id 2MASS PSC association. Unique identifier of the closest source in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC) that falls within 3" of the position of this WISE source. You can use this join to, the pts_key column there. N/A
var_flg Var. Flag Variability flag. Note v N/A meta.code;src.var
w1cc_map 3.4µm C&C Contamination and confusion map for this source in 3.4µm Note u N/A meta.code.qual
w1dmag Δmag 3.4µm Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, 3.4µm. Single-exposure measurements with w1rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation. mag phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um;arith.diff
w1mag Ap. Mag. 3.4µm 3.4µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in 3.4µmmcor. mag phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um
w1mjdmean Mean. Ep. 3.4µm The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 3.4µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.mean
w1mlq P(Var), 3.4µm Probability measure that the source is variable in 3.4µm flux. Note d N/A;src.var
w1mpro Mag. 3.4µm Magnitude at 3.4µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 3.4µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 3.4µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um
w1sigmrpo Err. mag. 3.4µm 3.4µm profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the 3.4µm profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um
w2cc_map 4.6µm C&C Contamination and confusion map for this source in 4.6µm Note u N/A meta.code.qual
w2dmag Δmag 4.6µm Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, 4.6µm. Single-exposure measurements with w2rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation. mag phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um;arith.diff
w2mag Ap. Mag. 4.6µm 4.6µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in 4.6µmmcor. mag phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um
w2mjdmean Mean. Ep. 4.6µm The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 4.6µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.mean
w2mlq P(Var), 4.6µm Probability measure that the source is variable in 4.6µm flux. Note d N/A;src.var
w2mpro Mag. 4.6µm Magnitude at 4.6µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 4.6µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 4.6µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um
w2sigmrpo Err. mag. 4.6µm 4.6µm profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the 4.6µm profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um
w3cc_map 12µm C&C Contamination and confusion map for this source in 12µm Note u N/A meta.code.qual
w3dmag Δmag 12µm Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, 12µm. Single-exposure measurements with w3rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation. mag phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um;arith.diff
w3mag Ap. Mag. 12µm 12µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in 12µmmcor. mag phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um
w3mjdmean Mean. Ep. 12µm The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 12µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.mean
w3mlq P(Var), 12µm Probability measure that the source is variable in 12µm flux. Note d N/A;src.var
w3mpro Mag. 12µm Magnitude at 12µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 12µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 12µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um
w3sigmrpo Err. mag. 12µm 12µm profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the 12µm profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um
w4cc_map 22µm C&C Contamination and confusion map for this source in 22µm Note u N/A meta.code.qual
w4dmag Δmag 22µm Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, 22µm. Single-exposure measurements with w4rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation. mag phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um;arith.diff
w4mag Ap. Mag. 22µm 22µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in 22µmmcor. mag phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um
w4mjdmean Mean. Ep. 22µm The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 22µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.mean
w4mlq P(Var), 22µm Probability measure that the source is variable in 22µm flux. Note d N/A;src.var
w4mpro Mag. 22µm Magnitude at 22µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 22µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 22µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um
w4sigmrpo Err. mag. 22µm 22µm profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the 22µm profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um
xscprox Ext. Prox. 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC) proximity. This column gives the distance between the WISE source position and the position of a nearby 2MASS XSC source, if the separation is less than 1.1 times the Ks isophotal radius size of the XSC source. This identifies WISE sources that are identically the 2MASS XSC source as well as WISE sources that are fragments of large galaxies. deg N/A

VOTable Output Fields

The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD Verb. Level
designation WISE id Sexagesimal, equatorial position-based source name in the form: The full naming convention for WISE All-Sky Release Catalog sources has the form 'WISE,', where WISE is not given in this column. N/A;meta.main 1
raj2000 RA J2000 right ascension with respect to the 2MASS PSC reference frame deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main 1
dej2000 Dec J2000 declination with respect to the 2MASS PSC reference frame. deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main 1
w1mpro Mag. 3.4µm Magnitude at 3.4µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 3.4µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 3.4µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 5
w2mpro Mag. 4.6µm Magnitude at 4.6µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 4.6µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 4.6µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 5
w3mpro Mag. 12µm Magnitude at 12µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 12µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 12µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 5
w4mpro Mag. 22µm Magnitude at 22µm measured with profile-fitting photometry, or the magnitude of the 95% confidence brightness upper limit if the 22µm flux measurement has SNR<2. This column is null if the source is nominally detected in 22µm, but no useful brightness estimate could be made. mag phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 5
_r Dist. Distance to cone center deg pos.distance 10
sigra Err. RA One-sigma uncertainty in right ascension coordinate. deg stat.error;pos.eq.ra 15
sigdec Err. Dec One-sigma uncertainty in declination coordinate. deg stat.error;pos.eq.dec 15
glon G. Long. Galactic longitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. deg pos.galactic.lon 15
glat G. Lat Galactic latitude. CAUTION: This coordinate should not be used as an astrometric reference. deg 15
w1sigmrpo Err. mag. 3.4µm 3.4µm profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the 3.4µm profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 15
w1cc_map 3.4µm C&C Contamination and confusion map for this source in 3.4µm Note u N/A meta.code.qual 15
w1mag Ap. Mag. 3.4µm 3.4µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in 3.4µmmcor. mag phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 15
w1dmag Δmag 3.4µm Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, 3.4µm. Single-exposure measurements with w1rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation. mag phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um;arith.diff 15
w1mlq P(Var), 3.4µm Probability measure that the source is variable in 3.4µm flux. Note d N/A;src.var 15
w1mjdmean Mean. Ep. 3.4µm The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 3.4µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.mean 15
w2sigmrpo Err. mag. 4.6µm 4.6µm profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the 4.6µm profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 15
w2cc_map 4.6µm C&C Contamination and confusion map for this source in 4.6µm Note u N/A meta.code.qual 15
w2mag Ap. Mag. 4.6µm 4.6µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in 4.6µmmcor. mag phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 15
w2dmag Δmag 4.6µm Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, 4.6µm. Single-exposure measurements with w2rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation. mag phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um;arith.diff 15
w2mlq P(Var), 4.6µm Probability measure that the source is variable in 4.6µm flux. Note d N/A;src.var 15
w2mjdmean Mean. Ep. 4.6µm The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 4.6µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.mean 15
w3sigmrpo Err. mag. 12µm 12µm profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the 12µm profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 15
w3cc_map 12µm C&C Contamination and confusion map for this source in 12µm Note u N/A meta.code.qual 15
w3mag Ap. Mag. 12µm 12µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in 12µmmcor. mag phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 15
w3dmag Δmag 12µm Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, 12µm. Single-exposure measurements with w3rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation. mag phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um;arith.diff 15
w3mlq P(Var), 12µm Probability measure that the source is variable in 12µm flux. Note d N/A;src.var 15
w3mjdmean Mean. Ep. 12µm The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 12µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.mean 15
w4sigmrpo Err. mag. 22µm 22µm profile-fit photometric measurement uncertainty in mag units. This column is null if the 22µm profile-fit magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit or if the source is not measurable. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 15
w4cc_map 22µm C&C Contamination and confusion map for this source in 22µm Note u N/A meta.code.qual 15
w4mag Ap. Mag. 22µm 22µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This is the curve-of-growth corrected source brightness measured in an 8.25" radius circular aperture centered on the source position on the Atlas Image. If the source is not detected in the aperture measurement, this is the 95% confidence upper limit to the brightness. The background sky reference level is measured in an annular region with inner radius of 50" and outer radius of 70". The curve-of-growth correction is given in 22µmmcor. mag phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 15
w4dmag Δmag 22µm Difference between maximum and minimum magnitude of the source from all usable single-exposure frames, 22µm. Single-exposure measurements with w4rchi2 values greater than 3.0 times the median are rejected from this computation. mag phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um;arith.diff 15
w4mlq P(Var), 22µm Probability measure that the source is variable in 22µm flux. Note d N/A;src.var 15
w4mjdmean Mean. Ep. 22µm The average modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 22µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.mean 15
cc_flags C&C flags Contamination and confusion flag. N/A meta.code.qual 15
ext_flg Ext. src. Extended source flag. Note e N/A meta.code;src.class 15
var_flg Var. Flag Variability flag. Note v N/A meta.code;src.var 15
ph_qual Phot. qual Photometric quality flag. Note p N/A meta.code.qual;phot.mag 15
det_bit Det? Bit-encoded integer indicating bands in which a source has a w?snr>2 detection. For example, a source detected in W1 only has det_bit=1 (binary 0001). A source detected in W4 only has det_bit=8 (binary 1000). A source detected in all four bands has det_bit=15 (binary 1111). N/A meta.code.qual 15
xscprox Ext. Prox. 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC) proximity. This column gives the distance between the WISE source position and the position of a nearby 2MASS XSC source, if the separation is less than 1.1 times the Ks isophotal radius size of the XSC source. This identifies WISE sources that are identically the 2MASS XSC source as well as WISE sources that are fragments of large galaxies. deg N/A 15
tmass_key 2MASS id 2MASS PSC association. Unique identifier of the closest source in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC) that falls within 3" of the position of this WISE source. You can use this join to, the pts_key column there. N/A 15
sigradec Co-sigma The co-sigma of the equatorial position uncertainties, sig_ra, sig_dec (σα, σδ). Note c deg stat.error;pos.eq 25
wx X The x-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image. pix pos.cartesian.x;instr.det 25
wy Y The y-pixel coordinate of this source on the Atlas Image. pix pos.cartesian.y;instr.det 25
cntr Cntr Unique identification number for the Catalog source. Note t N/A 25
coadd_id Tile Id Atlas Tile identifier from which source was extracted. Note a N/A 25
src Ext. # Sequential number of this source extraction in the Atlas Tile from which this source was extracted, in approximate descending order of W1 source brightness. N/A;obs 25
w1snr SNR 3.4µm 3.4µm profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio. This value is the ratio of the flux (w1flux) to flux uncertainty (w1sigflux)in the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if w1flux is negative, or if w1flux or w1sigflux are null. N/A stat.snr;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 25
w1rchi2 χ² 3.4µm Reduced χ² of the 3.4µm profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if the 3.4µm magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected). N/A;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 25
w1sigm Err. Ap. Mag. 3.4µm Uncertainty in the 3.4µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This column is null if the 3.4µm "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 25
w1flg 3.4µm Ap. Flag 3.4µm "standard" aperture measurement quality flag. Note b N/A meta.code.qual;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 25
w1mcor 3.4µm Ap. Corr. 3.4µm aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes. This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude. mag N/A 25
w1ndf DOF 3.4µm Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, 3.4µm. N/A;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 25
w1mjdmin Min. Ep. 3.4µm The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 3.4µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.min 25
w1mjdmax Max. Ep. 3.4µm The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 3.4µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.max 25
w1rsemi Smaj Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in 3.4µm deg phys.angSize.smajAxis 25
w1ba a/b Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in 3.4µm N/A phys.angSize;arith.ratio 25
w1pa P.A. Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in 3.4µm deg pos.posAng 25
w1gmag Ext. Mag 3.4µm 3.4µm magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w1rsemi, w1w1ba, and w1w1pa. mag phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 25
w1gerr Err. Ext. Mag 3.4µm Uncertainty in the 3.4µm magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 25
w1gflg Ext. Mag Flag 3.4µm W1 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. Note b N/A meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um 25
w2snr SNR 4.6µm 4.6µm profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio. This value is the ratio of the flux (w2flux) to flux uncertainty (w2sigflux)in the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if w2flux is negative, or if w2flux or w2sigflux are null. N/A stat.snr;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 25
w2rchi2 χ² 4.6µm Reduced χ² of the 4.6µm profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if the 4.6µm magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected). N/A;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 25
w2sigm Err. Ap. Mag. 4.6µm Uncertainty in the 4.6µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This column is null if the 4.6µm "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 25
w2flg 4.6µm Ap. Flag 4.6µm "standard" aperture measurement quality flag. Note b N/A meta.code.qual;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 25
w2mcor 4.6µm Ap. Corr. 4.6µm aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes. This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude. mag N/A 25
w2ndf DOF 4.6µm Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, 4.6µm. N/A;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 25
w2mjdmin Min. Ep. 4.6µm The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 4.6µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.min 25
w2mjdmax Max. Ep. 4.6µm The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 4.6µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.max 25
w2rsemi Smaj Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in 4.6µm deg phys.angSize.smajAxis 25
w2ba a/b Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in 4.6µm N/A phys.angSize;arith.ratio 25
w2pa P.A. Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in 4.6µm deg pos.posAng 25
w2gmag Ext. Mag 4.6µm 4.6µm magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w2rsemi, w2w1ba, and w2w1pa. mag phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 25
w2gerr Err. Ext. Mag 4.6µm Uncertainty in the 4.6µm magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 25
w2gflg Ext. Mag Flag 4.6µm W1 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. Note b N/A meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um 25
w3snr SNR 12µm 12µm profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio. This value is the ratio of the flux (w3flux) to flux uncertainty (w3sigflux)in the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if w3flux is negative, or if w3flux or w3sigflux are null. N/A stat.snr;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 25
w3rchi2 χ² 12µm Reduced χ² of the 12µm profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if the 12µm magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected). N/A;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 25
w3sigm Err. Ap. Mag. 12µm Uncertainty in the 12µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This column is null if the 12µm "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 25
w3flg 12µm Ap. Flag 12µm "standard" aperture measurement quality flag. Note b N/A meta.code.qual;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 25
w3mcor 12µm Ap. Corr. 12µm aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes. This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude. mag N/A 25
w3ndf DOF 12µm Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, 12µm. N/A;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 25
w3mjdmin Min. Ep. 12µm The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 12µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.min 25
w3mjdmax Max. Ep. 12µm The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 12µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.max 25
w3rsemi Smaj Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in 12µm deg phys.angSize.smajAxis 25
w3ba a/b Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in 12µm N/A phys.angSize;arith.ratio 25
w3pa P.A. Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in 12µm deg pos.posAng 25
w3gmag Ext. Mag 12µm 12µm magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w3rsemi, w3w1ba, and w3w1pa. mag phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 25
w3gerr Err. Ext. Mag 12µm Uncertainty in the 12µm magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 25
w3gflg Ext. Mag Flag 12µm W1 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. Note b N/A meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um 25
w4snr SNR 22µm 22µm profile-fit measurement signal-to-noise ratio. This value is the ratio of the flux (w4flux) to flux uncertainty (w4sigflux)in the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if w4flux is negative, or if w4flux or w4sigflux are null. N/A stat.snr;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 25
w4rchi2 χ² 22µm Reduced χ² of the 22µm profile-fit photometry measurement. This column is null if the 22µm magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (i.e. the source is not detected). N/A;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 25
w4sigm Err. Ap. Mag. 22µm Uncertainty in the 22µm "standard" aperture magnitude. This column is null if the 22µm "standard" aperture magnitude is an upper limit, or if an aperture measurement was not possible. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 25
w4flg 22µm Ap. Flag 22µm "standard" aperture measurement quality flag. Note b N/A meta.code.qual;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 25
w4mcor 22µm Ap. Corr. 22µm aperture curve-of-growth correction, in magnitudes. This correction is subtracted from the nominal 8.25" aperture photometry brightness to give the "standard-aperture" magnitude. mag N/A 25
w4ndf DOF 22µm Number of degrees of freedom in the flux variability chi-square, 22µm. N/A;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 25
w4mjdmin Min. Ep. 22µm The earliest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 22µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.min 25
w4mjdmax Max. Ep. 22µm The latest modified Julian Date (mJD) of the 22µm single-exposures covering the source. d time.epoch;stat.max 25
w4rsemi Smaj Semi-major axis of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in 22µm deg phys.angSize.smajAxis 25
w4ba a/b Axis ratio (b/a) of the elliptical aperture used to measure source in 22µm N/A phys.angSize;arith.ratio 25
w4pa P.A. Position angle (degrees E of N) of the elliptical aperture major axis used to measure source in 22µm deg pos.posAng 25
w4gmag Ext. Mag 22µm 22µm magnitude of source measured in the elliptical aperture described by w4rsemi, w4w1ba, and w4w1pa. mag phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 25
w4gerr Err. Ext. Mag 22µm Uncertainty in the 22µm magnitude of source measured in elliptical aperture. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 25
w4gflg Ext. Mag Flag 22µm W1 elliptical aperture measurement quality flag. This flag indicates if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. Note b N/A meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um 25
rchi2 combined χ² Combined reduced χ² of the profile-fit photometry measurement in all bands. N/A;phot.mag 25
nb #Comp Number of PSF components used simultaneously in the profile-fitting for this source. This is greater than "1" when the source is fit concurrently with other nearby detections (passive deblending), or when a single source is split into two components during the fitting process (active deblending). N/A meta.number; 25
na Deblend? Active deblending flag. Indicates if a single detection was split into multiple sources in the process of profile-fitting. N/A meta.code.qual 25
satnum Sat. Sample Minimum sample at which saturation occurs in each band. Four character string, one character per band, that indicates the minimum SUTR sample in which any pixel in the profile-fitting area in all of the single-exposure images used to characterize this source was flagged as having reached the saturation level in the on-board WISE payload processing. If no pixels in a given band are flagged as saturated, the value for that band is '0'. N/A meta.code.qual 25
q12 Corr. 1/2 Correlation significance between 3.4µm and 4.6µm. Note s N/A 25
q23 Corr. 2/3 Correlation significance between 4.6µm and 12µm. Note s N/A 25
q34 Corr. 3/4 Correlation significance between 12µm and 22µm. Note s N/A 25
w1sat Sat. 3.4µm Saturated pixel fraction, 3.4µm. The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [3.4µm]~8 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of a charged particle strike. N/A 28
w1frtr Trans. frac. 3.4µm Fraction of pixels affected by transients. This column gives the fraction of all 3.4µm pixels in the stack of individual 3.4µm exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by transient events. This number is computed by counting the number of pixels in the single exposure Bit Mask images with value "21" that are present within the profile-fitting area, a circular region with radius of 7.25", centered on the position of this source, and dividing by the total number of pixels in the same area that are available for measurement. N/A N/A 28
w2sat Sat. 4.6µm Saturated pixel fraction, 4.6µm. The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [4.6µm]~7 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of a charged particle strike. N/A 28
w2frtr Trans. frac. 4.6µm Fraction of pixels affected by transients. This column gives the fraction of all 4.6µm pixels in the stack of individual 4.6µm exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by transient events. This number is computed by counting the number of pixels in the single exposure Bit Mask images with value "21" that are present within the profile-fitting area, a circular region with radius of 7.25", centered on the position of this source, and dividing by the total number of pixels in the same area that are available for measurement. N/A N/A 28
w3sat Sat. 12µm Saturated pixel fraction, 12µm. The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [12µm]~4 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of a charged particle strike. N/A 28
w3frtr Trans. frac. 12µm Fraction of pixels affected by transients. This column gives the fraction of all 12µm pixels in the stack of individual 12µm exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by transient events. This number is computed by counting the number of pixels in the single exposure Bit Mask images with value "21" that are present within the profile-fitting area, a circular region with radius of 7.25", centered on the position of this source, and dividing by the total number of pixels in the same area that are available for measurement. N/A N/A 28
w4sat Sat. 22µm Saturated pixel fraction, 22µm. The fraction of all pixels within the profile-fitting area in the stack of single-exposure images used to characterize this source that are flagged as saturated. A value larger than 0.0 indicates one or more pixels of saturation. Saturation begins to occur for point sources brighter than [22µm]~0 mag. Saturation may occur in fainter sources because of a charged particle strike. N/A 28
w4frtr Trans. frac. 22µm Fraction of pixels affected by transients. This column gives the fraction of all 22µm pixels in the stack of individual 22µm exposures used to characterize this source that may be affected by transient events. This number is computed by counting the number of pixels in the single exposure Bit Mask images with value "21" that are present within the profile-fitting area, a circular region with radius of 7.25", centered on the position of this source, and dividing by the total number of pixels in the same area that are available for measurement. N/A N/A 28

Citation Info

VOResource XML (that's something exclusively for VO nerds)

Note a

The tile identifier has the general form: RRRRsDDD_[trev], where


Tile center RA in deci-degrees, truncated not rounded (e.g. RRRR=int[10*ra]).


Tile center Declination sign ("p"="+", "m"="-")


Tile center Declination in deci-degrees. For positive declinations, the tenths of a degree is truncated not rounded (e.g. DDD=int[10*dec]). For negative declinations, the tenths of a degree is always truncated leftward on the number line (e.g. DDD=ceil[10*abs(dec)].


Disambiguation string. * t - Tile type ("a" = Atlas) * r - Data Release ("b" = All-Sky) * e - Cryogenic Survey Phase ("4" = All-Sky [full cryogenic]) * v - Processing version.

The disambiguation string is always ab41 for Tiles in the WISE All-Sky Release products.

For example, the identifier of the 4-band Cryo Atlas Tile with center at (α,δ = 304.13896,-13.63000) is 3041m137_ab41.

Note b

The aperture measurement quality flags indicate if one or more image pixels in the measurement aperture for this band is confused with nearby objects, is contaminated by saturated or otherwise unusable pixels, or is an upper limit. The flag value is an integer that is the combination of one or more of the following values that signify different conditions:

0:No contamination
1:Source confusion - another source falls within the measurement aperture
2:Presence of bad pixels in the measurement aperture
4:Non-zero bit flag tripped (other than 2 or 18)
8:All pixels are flagged as unusable, or the aperture flux is negative. In the former case, the aperture magnitude is "null". In the latter case, the aperture magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit.
16:Saturation - there are one or more saturated pixels in the measurement aperture
32:The magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit
Note c

The co-sigma is related to the covariance between the position errors Vαδ by the formula Vαδ = σαδ×|σαδ|. This maintains the sign information for the correlation, since σαδ may be negative. It is more natural to carry the co-sigma along with the other uncertainties instead of the covariance because the former is in the same units as the other uncertainties.

Note d

The probability measure is -log10(Q), where Q = 1 - P(χ^2). P is the cumulative chi-square distribution probability for the flux sample measured on the individual single-exposure images. The value is clipped at 9.

The Q value is the fraction of all cases to be at least as large as that observed if the null hypothesis is true. The null hypothesis is that the flux is emitted by a non-variable astrophysical object. It may be false because the object is a true variable. It may also be false because the flux measurement is corrupted by artifacts such as cosmic rays, scattered light, etc. The smaller the Q value, the more implausible the null hypothesis, i.e., the more likely it is that the flux is either variable or corrupted or both.

Note e

The extended source flag is an integer flag, the value of which indicates whether or not the morphology of a source is consistent with the WISE point spread function in any band, or whether the source is associated with or superimposed on a previously known extended object from the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (XSC). The values of the ext_flg indicate the following conditions:

0:The source shape is consistent with a point-source and the source is not associated with or superimposed on a 2MASS XSC source
1:The profile-fit photometry goodness-of-fit, w?rchi2, is >3.0 in one or more bands.
2:The source falls within the extrapolated isophotal footprint of a 2MASS XSC source.
3:The profile-fit photometry goodness-of-fit, w?rchi2, is >3.0 in one or more bands, and The source falls within the extrapolated isophotal footprint of a 2MASS XSC source.
4:The source position falls within 5" of a 2MASS XSC source.
5:The profile-fit photometry goodness-of-fit, w?rchi2, is >3.0 in one or more bands, and the source position falls within 5" of a 2MASS XSC source.

CAUTION: WISE profile-fit (w?mpro) and standard aperture (w?mag) measurements are optimized for point sources and will systematically underestimate the true flux of resolved objects. If a source entry has ext_flg>0, you may wish to examine the large aperture photometry, or the elliptical aperture photometry which are measured using areas that are scaled from 2MASS XSC morphologies.

Note p

The photometric quality flag has one character per band [W1/W2/W3/W4], that provides a shorthand summary of the quality of the profile-fit photometry measurement in each band, as derived from the measurement signal-to-noise ratio.

A:Source is detected in this band with a flux signal-to-noise ratio w?snr>10.
B:Source is detected in this band with a flux signal-to-noise ratio 3<w?snr<10.
C:Source is detected in this band with a flux signal-to-noise ratio 2<w?snr<3.
U:Upper limit on magnitude. Source measurement has w?snr<2. The profile-fit magnitude w?mpro is a 95% confidence upper limit.
X:A profile-fit measurement was not possible at this location in this band. The value of w?mpro and w?sigmpro will be "null" in this band.
Z:A profile-fit source flux measurement was made at this location, but the flux uncertainty could not be measured. The value of w?sigmpro will be "null" in this band. The value of w?mpro will be "null" if the measured flux is negative, but will not be "null" if the flux is positive. If a non-null magnitude is presented, it should be treated as a brightness upper limit. This occurs in rare circumstances for very bright, heavily saturated sources.
Note s

The value is -log10(Q2(rho)), where Q2 is the two-tailed fraction of all cases expected to show at least this much apparent positive or negative correlation when in fact there is no correlation. The value is clipped at 9.

rho is the correlation coefficient between the single-exposure flux measurements in the two bands.

When the number of measurements is large, the significance of correlation also tends to be large even though the correlations themselves may have a small magnitude. This is a typical manifestation of statistical significance increasing as the sample size increases; eventually the significant effect can be due to small correlated errors in background estimation or even roundoff errors. These effects tend to be small but become significant when there are enough observations of them. High flux correlation significance should be taken seriously only when the magnitude of the correlation is also fairly high.

Note t

This number is formed entirely from the source_id, which is in turn formed from the coadd_id and source number src. On average, sources with cntr values close to each other are also close to each other on the sky, except at Tile boundaries.

The cntr value is formed by making the source_id into an integer, in the format: RRRRsDDDtrevIIIIII, where


Tile center RA in deci-degrees, truncated not rounded (e.g. RRRR=int[10*ra]), as in the coadd_id.


Tile center Declination sign translated from "p" or "m" into "1" or "0", respectively.


Tile center Declination in deci-degrees, as in the coadd_id. For positive declinations, the tenths of a degree is truncated not rounded (e.g. DDD=int[10*dec]). For negative declinations, the tenths of a degree is always truncated leftward on the number line (e.g. DDD=ceil[10*abs(dec)].


Disambiguation string, translated where necessary into digits corresponding to the letters' places in the alphabet.

  • t - Tile type translated into two digits, zero-filled ("a" = "01").
  • r - Data Release identifier translated into a single digit, since the possible values are limited to "a" through "i" ("b" = "2").
  • e - Cryogenic Survey Phase ("4" = All-Sky [full cryogenic]).
  • v - Processing version.

The translated disambiguation string is always 01241 for Tiles in the WISE All-Sky Data Release Catalog .


six-digit, zero-filled, sequential extracted source number, src, within the Tile.

For example, a source in the Tile 3041m137_ab41, with a source_id of '3041m137_ab41-012345', has a cntr value of 3041013701241012345.

Note u

The contamination and confusion columns contain the integer equivalent of the 9-bit binary number that specifies if the respective measurement is believed to be contaminated by or a spurious detection of an image artifact. The elements of the binary array are:

S       0       0       0       O       H       0       P       D

The leftmost bit, S, differentiates whether the band-detection is believed to be a real detection contaminated by an artifact ("0") or a spurious detection of an artifact ("1"). The remaining bits are set to "1" to denote contamination by different types of artifacts according to the letters:

D:Diffraction spike. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a diffraction spike a nearby bright star on the same image.
P:Persistence. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by a short-term latent (persistence) image left by a bright source.
H:Halo. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by the scattered light halo associated with a bright star.
O:Optical ghost. Source may be a spurious detection of or contaminated by an optical ghost image caused by a nearby bright source on the same image.

For example, a measurement that is believed to be a spurious detection of a diffraction spike and scattered light halo has a binary bit map value of "100001001" and w1cc_map=265.

Note v

The variability flag is a four-character string, one character per band, in which the value for each band is related to the probability that the source flux measured on the individual WISE exposures was not constant with time. The probability calculation uses the standard deviation of the single exposure flux measurements, w?sigp1, as well as the band-to-band flux correlation significance, q12,q23,q34.

The probability is computed for a band only when there are at least six single-exposure measurements available that satisfy minimum quality criteria. A value of "n" in a band indicates insufficient or inadequate data to make a determination of possible variability. Values of "0" through "9" indicate increasing probabilities of variation. Values of "0" through "5" are most likely not variables. Sources with values of "6" and "7" are likely flux variables, but are the most susceptible to false-positive variability. Var_flg values greater than "7" have the highest probability of being true flux variables in a band.

CAUTION: Estimation of flux variability is unreliable for sources that are extended (ext_flg>0), and sources whose measurements are contaminated by image artifacts in a band (cc_flags[b] != '0').