Information on Service 'DASCH SIAP2'

SIAP2 service over the DASCH (Harvard) plates. Please note that a substantial number of plates has no calibration and hence will not be found using SIAP2 queries with positional constraints. Also, this service only returns ”narrow” plates, which here excludes plates from instruments with a field of view above 200 square degrees.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'DASCH in the VO'


You can access this service using:


Time covered by this resource's data: 1885.59 1995.09

This service is published as follows:

local means it is listed on our front page, ivo_managed means it has a record in the VO registry.

Other services provided on the underlying data include:

Input Fields

The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
BAND Wavelength Wavelength interval that should intersect with the dataset coverage N/A N/A
CALIB Calib. Level Calibration level of the data (0=raw data .. 3=processed science-ready data) N/A N/A
COLLECTION Collection A name of a data collection within the service (use ObsTAP to find out the possible values). N/A N/A
DPTYPE Type Select either image or cube. N/A N/A
EXPTIME Exposure Time Lower and upper bound for the integration times of the observation s N/A
FACILITY Facility A name of a facility (usually a telescope) used to make the observation. N/A N/A
FORMAT Format Media type (like application/fits) or similar of the data product searched N/A N/A
FOV Field of View Lower and upper bound for the field of view of the observation deg N/A
ID DID A dataset identifier to match. Note that contrary to the SIAP v2 REC, we do not compare the IVOIDs case-insensitively. This should not be an issue if you got the IVOID from this service. For IVOIDs obtained in other ways, you may need to use ILIKE or a similar facility through ObsTAP. N/A N/A
INSTRUMENT Instrument A name of an instrument used to acquire the data. N/A N/A
maxrec Match limit Maximum number of records returned. Pass 0 to retrieve service parameters. N/A N/A
POL Polarisation Polarisation states as per Obscore (i.e., from the set I Q U V RR LL RL LR XX YY XY YX POLI POLA N/A N/A
POS Position A spatial constraint using SIAPv2 CIRCLE, RANGE, or POLYGON shapes and respective values in decimal degrees. N/A N/A
responseformat Output Format File format requested for output. N/A meta.code.mime
SPATRES Spat. Res. Lower and upper bound for the spatial resolution of the image(s) deg N/A
SPECRP Res. Power Lower and upper bound for the spectral resolving power λ/Δλ in spectrally resolved observations N/A N/A
TARGET Target A name of an observation target. N/A N/A
TIME Time Time interval that should intersect with the dataset coverage N/A N/A
TIMERES Time res. Lower and upper bound for the (absolute) resolution on the time axis s N/A
verb Verbosity Exhaustiveness of column selection. VERB=1 only returns the most important columns, VERB=2 selects the columns deemed useful to the average user, VERB=3 returns a table with all available columns. N/A N/A

Default Output Fields

The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
access_estsize Size Estimated size of data product kbyte phys.size;meta.file
access_format Media Type MIME type of the resource at access_url N/A meta.code.mime
access_url Access URL The URL at which to obtain the data set. N/A meta.ref.url
calib_level Calibration level Amount of data processing that has been applied to the data Note calib N/A meta.code;obs.calib
dasch_id DASCH id Plate identifier in DASCH N/A;meta.main
dataproduct_type Product type High level scientific classification of the data product, taken from an enumeration N/A meta.code.class
em_max λ_max Maximal wavelength represented within the data set m em.wl;stat.max
em_min λ_min Minimal wavelength represented within the data set m em.wl;stat.min
em_res_power λ/Δλ Spectral resolving power lambda/delta lambda N/A spect.resolution
em_ucd Spect. UCD Nature of the product's spectral axis (typically, em.freq, em.wl, or N/A meta.ucd
em_xel |λ| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the spectral axis. N/A meta.number
facility_name Facility Name of the facility at which data was taken N/A;
instrument_name Instrument Name of the instrument that produced the data N/A;instr
o_ucd Obs. UCD UCD for the product's observable N/A meta.ucd
obs_collection Collection Name of a data collection (e.g., project name) this data belongs to N/A
obs_creator_did Creator DID Dataset identifier assigned by the creator. N/A
obs_id Obs. Id Unique identifier for an observation N/A
obs_publisher_did Pub. DID Dataset identifier assigned by the publisher. N/A meta.ref.ivoid
obs_title Title Free-from title of the data set N/A meta.title;obs
plate_comment Plate Comment Comment associated with plate describing context or content N/A meta.note
pol_states Pol. States List of polarization states in the data set N/A meta.code;phys.polarization
pol_xel |Pol| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the polarization axis. N/A meta.number
s_dec Dec Dec of (center of) observation, ICRS deg pos.eq.dec
s_fov FoV Approximate spatial extent for the region covered by the observation deg phys.angSize;instr.fov
s_pixel_scale Pix. Scale Sampling period in world coordinate units along the spatial axis arcsec phys.angSize;instr.pixel
s_ra RA RA of (center of) observation, ICRS deg pos.eq.ra
s_region coverage Region covered by the observation, as a polygon N/A pos.outline;obs.field
s_resolution Space Res. Best spatial resolution within the data set arcsec pos.angResolution
s_xel1 |X| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the first spatial axis. N/A meta.number
s_xel2 |Y| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the second spatial axis. N/A meta.number
t_exptime Exp. Time Total exposure time s time.duration;obs.exposure
t_max T_max Upper bound of times represented in the data set d time.end;obs.exposure
t_min Min. t Lower bound of times represented in the data set d time.start;obs.exposure
t_resolution Res. t Minimal significant time interval along the time axis s time.resolution
t_xel |t| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the time axis. N/A meta.number
target_class Target Class Class of the target object (star, QSO, ...) N/A src.class
target_name Target Name Object a targeted observation targeted N/A;src

VOTable Output Fields

The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD Verb. Level
access_url Access URL The URL at which to obtain the data set. N/A meta.ref.url 1
s_ra RA RA of (center of) observation, ICRS deg pos.eq.ra 1
s_dec Dec Dec of (center of) observation, ICRS deg pos.eq.dec 1
dataproduct_type Product type High level scientific classification of the data product, taken from an enumeration N/A meta.code.class 5
obs_id Obs. Id Unique identifier for an observation N/A 5
obs_title Title Free-from title of the data set N/A meta.title;obs 5
obs_publisher_did Pub. DID Dataset identifier assigned by the publisher. N/A meta.ref.ivoid 5
access_format Media Type MIME type of the resource at access_url N/A meta.code.mime 5
access_estsize Size Estimated size of data product kbyte phys.size;meta.file 5
s_fov FoV Approximate spatial extent for the region covered by the observation deg phys.angSize;instr.fov 5
calib_level Calibration level Amount of data processing that has been applied to the data Note calib N/A meta.code;obs.calib 10
t_min Min. t Lower bound of times represented in the data set d time.start;obs.exposure 10
t_max T_max Upper bound of times represented in the data set d time.end;obs.exposure 10
t_exptime Exp. Time Total exposure time s time.duration;obs.exposure 10
em_min λ_min Minimal wavelength represented within the data set m em.wl;stat.min 10
em_max λ_max Maximal wavelength represented within the data set m em.wl;stat.max 10
s_xel1 |X| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the first spatial axis. N/A meta.number 10
s_xel2 |Y| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the second spatial axis. N/A meta.number 10
t_xel |t| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the time axis. N/A meta.number 10
em_xel |λ| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the spectral axis. N/A meta.number 10
pol_xel |Pol| Number of elements (typically pixels) along the polarization axis. N/A meta.number 10
s_pixel_scale Pix. Scale Sampling period in world coordinate units along the spatial axis arcsec phys.angSize;instr.pixel 10
obs_collection Collection Name of a data collection (e.g., project name) this data belongs to N/A 15
obs_creator_did Creator DID Dataset identifier assigned by the creator. N/A 15
target_name Target Name Object a targeted observation targeted N/A;src 15
s_region coverage Region covered by the observation, as a polygon N/A pos.outline;obs.field 15
s_resolution Space Res. Best spatial resolution within the data set arcsec pos.angResolution 15
t_resolution Res. t Minimal significant time interval along the time axis s time.resolution 15
em_res_power λ/Δλ Spectral resolving power lambda/delta lambda N/A spect.resolution 15
o_ucd Obs. UCD UCD for the product's observable N/A meta.ucd 15
pol_states Pol. States List of polarization states in the data set N/A meta.code;phys.polarization 15
facility_name Facility Name of the facility at which data was taken N/A; 15
instrument_name Instrument Name of the instrument that produced the data N/A;instr 15
em_ucd Spect. UCD Nature of the product's spectral axis (typically, em.freq, em.wl, or N/A meta.ucd 15
dasch_id DASCH id Plate identifier in DASCH N/A;meta.main 15
plate_comment Plate Comment Comment associated with plate describing context or content N/A meta.note 15
target_class Target Class Class of the target object (star, QSO, ...) N/A src.class 20
dataproduct_subtype Subtype Data product specific type N/A meta.code.class 25
source_table Source Table Name of a TAP-queriable table this data originates from. This source table usually provides more information on the the data than what is given in obscore. See the TAP_SCHEMA of the originating TAP server for details. N/A;meta.table 25
plate_class Class Plate class; Values are taken from N/A meta.code 25
mosaics Plates Metadata on the FITS files of the scans available; this is largely used by GAVO to produce the datalink document. In case you want to use it directly, see N/A meta;meta.dataset 30

Citation Info

VOResource XML (that's something exclusively for VO nerds)

Note calib

The calib_level flag takes the following values:

0 Raw Instrumental data requiring instrument-specific tools
1 Instrumental data processable with standard tools
2 Calibrated, science-ready data without instrument signature
3 Enhanced data products (e.g., mosaics)